Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Another Saturday, another visit to Kew. 

still no Kim, recovering at home... it's quiet without you!  
peering through the centre of this sculpture I noticed that you could see the building the other side of the pond, not the reflection of the Palm House behind me, I had assumed it was solid and a reflection.... 3 months it's been there and I've been photographing it!!  

beds in front of the Palm House
round bed  at the top of the Broad Walk

these roses are such a gorgeous colour and look great with the Japanese anemones behind 
round the edge of the bed

then down the Broad Walk


some of the red hot pokers are curling over...

I cut round the back of the Broad Walk further along, for once the grass wasn't wet

the drift of rudbeckia down at  low level seem to spread miles
then I crossed the path towards Kew Palace
Not sure what these are but I liked the way the edge of the shrub....
could be blurred with Kew Palace in the background

this round bed is at the junction of the Broad Walk and the path to the Elizabeth gate exit (you can possibly see the gates in the distance)
I had a mind to check out the beds behind Kew Palace as they have lots of herby type plants and wildflowers (viper's bugloss  which usually hums with bees) 

outside the front of Kew Palace - these beds used to have low growing box plants round them but they've been removed, suffering from box blight so are being replaced later with something more disease resistant

something growing through a hole in a wall (the hole is meant to be there....)

sadly the viper's bugloss had been cut back and there was hardly any there.... 

I took the path along rhododendron dell hoping the fox cubs may be out playing but no sign of  them

this is the view from the top path near the River, looking towards the lake (which is behind those trees
I headed through the Woodland Walk as I wanted to go back the bird feeder area where there might be a glimpse of the golden pheasant... which Kim and I have not managed to catch yet

I was about 5 minutes too late - as I got to the path that leads to the bird feeders, a couple were coming out onto the Woodland Walk, the lady saw my camera and said if I was interested in photography there was a beautiful golden pheasant there...

by the time I got there (2 minutes max)  it had gone!

I sat and waited a few minutes in case it came back,  

there were pigeons... and then this arrived 
coal tit? great tit?  not sure...

no pheasant though.  
(or even the rat we saw last time!)  probably because there were no visitors feeding them at the moment.
I carried on my way, along the path past the smaller pond
to the lake... the sun was trying to come out...

gull on the lake crossing 

near the seats where Pete often feeds the birds the swans and their wildly growing cygnets, were sleeping on the grass, along with a load of geese
look how big they're getting!

curled up tight, fast asleep!

one of the youngsters stirred a little

I headed back along the grass towards the Palm House

pausing to change lens
lovely clouds!  and some blue sky!

time to play with the reflections in the sculpture

can you see me?

reflection of the Palm House (and me!)

blogger has messed with the order again!
bugger blogger. 

I decided to go and eat early.... I needed cake!

sadly, there was no cake!   delivery must have been late (although i did also notice when I went through the shop on my way out at the end of my visit, there was STILL no cake!)  

so tea and sausage roll it was... disappointing... only because I wanted cake though

then back past the other end of the Palm House
into the waterlily house
there were only a few people inside so it was easy to get a good view...

found somewhere dry underfoot to put my bag down to change lens

the angle I was leaning over the pond was doing funny things with the water

they are growing things to come across the pond like a curtain! 

I love the vibrant red of the underside and edges of the giant waterlily pads
aeonium in the outside bedding.seem to be a bit water-stained 

the sun was on the roses in the bed at the top of the Broad Walk this time

I headed to the Princess of Wales conservatory
the lower level of the flowers on the agave are starting to fade, but the ones at top are coming out
this one was behind glass..

but then I saw a few on the ones in the open, starting to flower... at the back of the bed of course too far away to get good shots

this variety of waterlily has totally different leaves

begonia leaf, nice patterns
I was really surprised how few people there were inthe POW yet - it was about 10.30 so still early after opening, but normally there are more in by then

upper level

heading out through the orchid room

someone had been round with the water hose!
outside,  wild carrot

I was hoping for sunflower action in the student plots but the gates were locked.   I also forgot to check the ones out in the evolution garden..

I should have crossed the path to them after taking these

instead I headed round my favourite Evolution beds

these are in the centre square... out of order!
round bed full of little alliums in the peony garden

lots of bees - moving too fast for the lens!

back at the pond

I had the wrong lens on really and there were lots of people at this one (by the main entrance)

headed through the Mediterranean garden
into the Temperate House
then out through a side door

the distorted reflections are such fun

one of the Kew trains went by...

then went back in through a different side door

and up the viewing platform 

before going out through another side door (there are lots!)

to the davies exploration house and the strawflowers

not quite as many flowers but still love them

on my way back to the exit I went round the lake again, the swans had woken up and some of them were in the lake - there was a lady who' been watching them, she didn't know there were 5 cygnets.  the others must have been hiding in the greenery!

I walked along the grass towards the Palm House past a row of geese crossing in front of me. 

a few steps later, 
I heard a beating of wings behind me and turned - luckily with the camera at hand

as the geese took off - no time to position myself better! 

I finished my visit a little earlier than usual so that's it for today -  thanks for looking.

Hope to see you again next week 


Anonymous said...

Ooh lovely, yes that's a great title. I hadnt realised the sculpture could be seen through either! Didn't realise there were golden pheasants on site, and shame the student plots were locked, they were open when we popped in, I will post photos soon 😉 kyla

Celtic house said...

Looks like a lovely visit despite the lack of cake. The blue sky and white cloud reflections on the sculptures are fabulous.

Glad you had a good trip

Enjoy your Sunday we are off for a walk around YSP.