Saturday, May 11, 2024

a Purple Kew

 It started cool and very cloudy... promise of sun and 25c by the end of the day...

but there was no blue sky to start with at 8.... 

primulas in the tubs along the pond 
the Marc Quinn sculptures were very different with grey backdrops...
and blogger is already messing the order...

still the grey sky wasn't going to stop me

we headed round to the rose garden first, 
to play with some reflections
love the pattern of the grass in the "petals" of this sculputre

asyou can see, Kim was standing just behind me.....

getting the top of my head!

we then headed towards the lake
where blogger wants you to see the baby Egyptian geese first
one of the swans was on the bank preening
lots of baby geese around now

back to the bigger babies!

there wasn't much bright light, the sun was trying to burn through the cloud,
but still some reflections, 

oh FFS!!  

we took the lift up to the Treetop Walkway

sweet chestnut flowering

look at the grey sky!

back on the ground again 

Kim saw this snail first 
sculptures outside the front of the Temperate House.

the one that was my favourite (in the sunshine of last week) is based on a Pacific Kew
even on dull days it is going to be fun!

Kim was at the one over the other side of the pathway

but she was still keeping an eye on me!

I was enjoying playing with the edges 

and shapes

at the base of a tree near the sculpture
more shape playing
this is the one outside the gallery,

one of the edges.

got the camera out too

distorting the length of our legs

from Kim 
we headed back along Camellia Walk to the cafe

and found this handkerchief tree (chinese dogwood) 

the sun was nearly out

this is the one nearest the entrance

more nice swirly grass reflections

from the path, on my phone 

we decided to eat early and hope the sun would be out by the time we finished.... 

had a chocolate fudge cake today, scrummy!

the wisteria over the entrance was lovely

we went round the back of the pond  - the palm in front of the palm house!
the fountain wasn't on (yet, it was later, once it got to 10 am) 

the sun was enough to shimmer on them now and create reflections
round the side of the pond, lots of iris - the beginning of the purple!  

the bed at the top of the Broad Walk

we were going down the Broad Walk  next
allium time!

the gates were about to open, it was going to get busy.   shadows appearing, the sun was staying out now 

lots of alliums in drifts along both sides of the Broad Walk 

lots of different shades too 

and then some white ones - these are a little later, so only just flowering
over the euphorbia , Kew Palace (next destination)
at the end of the path up from the Elizabeth gate, another bed, lots of alliums - huge ones in this bed

more beds with iris in round towards Kew Palace
the laburnum arch -  

there didn't seem to be huge amounts of flowers yet, 
and some of the parts of the arch didn't have any growth on - not sure if theyv'e cut some plants out, or there are just gaps

but from this angle it looks pretty full on!

Kew Palace from the back 

fluffy bullrush near the little pond beside the Elizabeth entrance

lots or irises in the pond here, yellow ones this time

as you come out onto the path that leads from the Elizabeth gate there are 3 beds, at the moment they all have alliums in 

taking the path left from the entrance 

past wild flowers

to some low lying wisteria 
and white ones

more purple iris - in the Duke's garden,

they've been redeveloping this area and have filled in a huge flowerbed that used to loads of gorgeous things in, day lilies, and all sorts.  it's now laid to grass. 
on the far side, there are still flowers

the alpine house and princess of wales behind 

the outdoor waterlily garden is starting to flourish  this yellow iris was lovely
I think these bubbles are made by insects under the water
the little lily leaves from a low level.  
appreciating the patterns

into the alpine house

the "tortoise"  is starting to fade now, the stem is collapsing and it is now reclining on the stonework

I've really loved this!

in the rock garden,  california poppies in the sun - it was now so bright you couldn't tell from the camera screen if your shots were ok or not...

the big daisies are re-growing, will need to keep a eye on these, they were lush last year

then we went into the evolution garden and walked down the grass at the far side along the wall
lots of iris here too

across to the other side of the EG

seedheads of the pasqueflowers
still a few in flower

and the white poppies we both loved last week

there was a bed full of yellow poppies full of bees, but the bees were too fast for my camera!

over the other side of the EG again

there was a big drift of bright red peonies.  

they were FULL of bees, (kim got some great shots)

I had to crop this 

I have never seen so many bees on one patch of plants 

nearby were some more huge peonies
sun shining through 

urn on top of the wall at the far end of the EG bordering the rock garden
this huge viburnum is growing in the bed at the end of the salvia border
we may have missed it at it's absolute peak but it was still covered in flowers
walking back up through the rock garden

pinky purple area, lavendar in front 
more iris, pretty purple markings in the centre

cistus outside the Priness of Wales conservatory 
inside POW

the jade vine has a second flush

the waterlilies are growing 
carnivorous room

taking the steps up the side of the pond 

gorgeous colours


they were misting!

down in the orchid rooms
side view

looks like a jungle!
light through leaves

heading out through the arid section 

these flowers
were on an aeonium 

outside, petals in the water 
love the pattern
as you see, the fountain is on now

heading past the allium bed at the top of the broad walk
tothe waterlily house -   reflections
the flowers are starting to grow now

water drops in the middle of the lily pad

then outside again

it was warm now, and the sun bright outisde, and shining through the leaves inside 

walking through misting of the leaves

we didn't attempt the stairs to the top platform, way too humid for that

love the light through the palms 
beautiful shapes!

outside,  clematis growing on a teepee support

sculpture near the palm house in the sun now

geum in the Mediterranean garden 

wanted a quick look at the sculptures again in the sun

the california poppies were stunning now the sun was out

and the delphiniums with the orange behind were beautiful

Kim's ankle was aching so she sat on a bench in cherry walk and waited for me

there were more people around now!
love the distorting images

I had fun with the edges 

I went into the Temperate House

but only walked through half of it 

back towards the cherry walk exit

the tulips have just about finished and are being taken over by grass,

there are some dandelions too, which they encourage

 I liked the shadow of the grass on the left hand flower

what tulips are left are fading - beautifully!
as we left I couldn't resist the delphiniums
and california poppies again.

thanks for looking, there won't be a Kew visit next week as it is the WOYWW crop so I'll see you in 2 weeks