Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Kew, on a Wednesday

 Being away last weekend meant I didn't get my Kew "fix" on Saturday... hence my tagging an extra day onto my time off work today.  Luckily the constant rain forecast must have mostly been overnight!

Another photo heavy post.. enjoy. 

obviously I arrived for 8- no point wasting the opportunity.  The damp weather meant I was the only person in the queue, it was quite some time before I saw anyone else who wasn't working at Kew!
I started along the Palm House pond with the sculptures

large puddles on top of the base of the main one in front of the Palm House

heading round towards the Broad Walk
the alliums in this bed are already past their peak, but full of raindrops!  

the irises were looking fabulous, and huge raindrops

at the first intersection the teepees of roses were looking good

the white alliums were looking gorgeous 

further along the Broad Walk a later variety in full bloom

wished I could get in amongst the beds!  

outside the Orangery on the grass side of the path, they've created a new seating area for outside eating - not sure it will be used today

they'd been working on the base for this last time i was there
more beautiful irises, more beautiful raindrops

centre of the end of a branch on the monkey puzzle tree

the stone pine tree that was planted to replace the ancient one that died, is growing well.  

geum, frothy in the rain,  in the rock garden 
quite a lot of yellow today

the large patch of ox eye daisy (possibly) in the rock garden have thrived since I was here 10 days ago

even the ladybird looks as if it has raindrops on it

out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of a leaf on a daisy...
er no it's not...  no pesticides at Kew!  

there were lots of slugs about in the grass today and on the paths, loving the rain! 

through into the evolution garden, beautiful multi colour iris, along the wall

the roses are more advanced too, in 10 days.

couldn't get much scent, it wasn't warm or sunny enough today!
I was pleased to see the wildflower bed that borders the student vegetable plots is full of daisies now, one or 2 poppies coming, it won't be long before it's a colourful riot. 
people working at the end of the rose pergola
I can never remember that this is, but it often doesn't photograph easily

went ot check on the poppy beds 

pretty orange ones,  waiting for the big red ones to come! 

delphiniums with the poppies behind them

pasque flower seedheads

peonies - blogger has started to muddle my route!

along the wall again, 

heading back past the Princess of Wales and the woodland path,

huge rhododendron
the palm house parterre bedding has been re-done now
Rose Garden is looking good, 

the grass everywhere (it seemed) had been cut very recently, and my boots were getting covered with grass clippings not removed... and very wet.

I headed round to the sculpture in the grass outside the back of the Palm House 
I was surprised to see since I was here last, it now has a rope barrier around it to stop you getting too close... shame, no reflection play.  

I walked to the end of the rose garden 

and turned along the path to head to the Temperate House sculptures.

twisted branches on a tree

through the Mediterranean garden

the california poppies were tightly closed today behind the delphiniums

grasses along cherry walk, now tumbling over the edge, no tulips left now.

from a distance you can see reflections of the trees nicely
closer up it was time for play with the raindrops

I had great fun with the holes in the sculptures- the rain on the surface
and the raindrops in the cut out areas

peeking through one of the spaces, the sculpture giving a blurred edge to the shot. 

I loved how bits of me showed and bits didn't!
moving to the next one

I enjoyed taking selfies without showing  my face!!

the rain clung to every surface

I love the cut out pieces and the shapes when you isolate areas

from the side

walking round towards the Japanese garden through the other party of cherry walk (except blogger has moved this one)

approaching from the gravel garden you got a real sense of the pop of colour on this very grey day
I think even being dull it helps the colour

I had left the globe lens in my bag today and actually remembered it was there !
it's been ages since I played with it!

edge view

I headed back towards the Temperate House 

but had to stop for this beauty

it was just before 10 when i got to the Temperate House but the door was open and i went in,

the strelitzia were .......

the colours really popped today,  I may have got carried away!

decaying false banana leaf, 
more strelitzia

I walked round the viewing platform
some people were setting up a question and answer table down below
twizzly stems at the foot of the steps down

in the central atrium

I cut along the grass to the side of cherry walk as I guessed this would be looking good - chinese dogwood
it was worth getting covered in grass clippings again 

past the new bit of the Mediterranean garden on my way back
and the end of the rose garden

there were LOTS of groups of school children all around now, 
I walked through the palm house but blogger wants you to see the waterlilies first!

palm house, now! 

got the globe out again (out of order again thanks blogger)

coming out of the waterlily house!  

after walking round the pond again I went to the Princess of Wales 

they are replanting one of the cacti beds
and it looks like there'll be some flowers soon
underside of a lily pad 
in the pond

couldn't see any close as there were lots of groups of kids with their teachers in the way

I went to check on the latest titan arum 

it is growing well, as usual

there were a few orchids on display

and lots of passionflower in bloom

outside now and the grassy slope is starting to develop some wildflowers
alpine house 

the flowers on the "tortoise" tumbling over the rocks

this bee was vey still, I think it was having a rest
I headed out to the rock garden
back pat the daisies, I forgot to look for the slug!


the iris from a couple of weeks ago with it's purple middle

raindrops on the alchemilla mollis

iris at the pond 

new hostas 

I headed for the cafe and something to eat (belatedly, I'd intend to do that after the Temperate house!)
as all the seats outside were soaking wet I sat inside today.

chocolate fudge cake, fyi! and breakfast tea.

before I went home I had another look at the main palm sculpture in front of the palm house

it was still very grey but I hadn't (unlike some visitors) had to use my umbrella.

closing in, it looks like a bird taking flight flapping it's wings

from the side you can see the wiggly shape

reflections on the fronds

love the mustardy colour of these irises near the entrance
I finished at the sculpture nearest the entrance

as I walked round the back I noticed my legs were growing!
If you stand still they can go very bow-legged but it looks as if i have more than 2!

this really amused me.

Thanks for looking - I'll be back on Saturday, and looking forward to better weather- at present it is due to be sunny and warmer than today!

1 comment:

Celtic house said...

Kew in all its glory, I love the multi coloured irises utterly stunning

The raindrops on the sculptures was fun

Adore the birds of paradise flowers so very vibrant
