Saturday, August 3, 2024

Kew - raindrops and reflections

 I was at Kew on my own today.  The forecast had been chopping and changing all week for today but it started a bit grey...

it's going to be one of those frustrating upload days, blogger is loading every image out of order...

I will swap them as long as I can

bed at the top of the Broad Walk

the bees were enjoying the kardoon

can't resist these 

I turned off the Broad Walk half way along and went to the Hive, the wild meadow was looking -  wild carroty! 

tumbling over the paths

there was obviously lots of activity in the beehives as all the lights were on but the music wasn't on yet (that seems only to get turned on at 10, like the fountain!)

reflections on the floor
I took a couple on the phone rather than change the camera lens

I'm not sure the lights show up in the picture sadly

the water feature in the secluded garden is partly hidden by the planting round it
didn't mean to take this "on the wonk" oops

the water hasn't been on here for ages.

changes are planned for this part of the garden.  we'll see exactly what, and when, at some time! 

it was too early for the POW or alpine house to be open

this is the wildflower bank between those 2
looking down the path at the top of the rock garden, salvia border on your left
the student beds were still locked so onto the evolution garden...
this year's hydrangea with last year's seedheads 
still visible

I went across to the sunflowers planted in one of the EG beds

before crossing back to the other side.

sky was still very grey as you see!

then to my favourite beds

bees and other insects on the teasels

love this one

oh blooming blogger....

in the central square the echinacea were tumbling over the path

the bee flew into shot just at the right time

love the colours on these leaves

hydrangea near the POW

round the pond by the Palm House

under the giant gunnera
looking through gaps in the gunnera leaves

it was starting to rain as I got back to the Palm House and headed round to the sculpture in the rose garden....

to start with I tried to make do with the hood of my sweat-jacket....

you can see the rain on the metal

but I did have to get the umbrella out
which was a bit of a juggle
as I was trying to take photos on my phone too... need a third hand!

it stopped soon though and at the lake i could put the brolly down.

I couldn't see the swans on either bank - or in the water today

so I crossed the lake and turned right up to the end of the lake

where the sun was about to come out

the walked down to the little pond - from the other side to my normal route

moorhen (or coot) on the nest in the middle

not sure.....!  

then the hydrangeas

then off to the Japanese Gateway 

where I spent some time lining up images in the shot

making sure the Pagoda grew out of the orchid sculpture!

sky was still quite grey

as I walked along towards the Temperate House - wrong lens on for closeup of the butterfly ...
I was expecting it to rain again but the sun was sort of out now...

went to play reflections in the Marc Quinn pieces outside the front of the Temperate House

I was quite surprised - given it was still before 10 - to see the doors open 

the big cloud didn't hang about though
but I stayed outside playing first...
it had warmed up enough to shed the hoodie though 

I was trying to get the sun through the cloud in the reflection...

blogger has reversed this next batch, I am losing the will to cut and paste them all.

was having fun shooting through the gaps though

more wibbly wobbly reflections

this is meant to be the first of this batch.

on to the final one before heading inside

this one still reminds me of a reclining person ; feet in the air.... 

just me then!  

the sun was shining on the one through the hole 

I changed lens

as I walked towards the entrance got another reflection of the TH in this one

then inside and up to the viewing platform, for the first time in ages

it was all very green!
couldn't work out if this was growing up from the ground inside or out!! 

this has such gorgeous flowers but they are so high up on the plant

seeing them from above is better

back on the ground.

one of the bronzes 

I exited by the main door at the back and into the davies exploration house

some of the strawflowers are going over 

still looking fab!

as I walked along the outside of the TH I saw the goose creche - all looking fairly fully grown - lazing amongst the dandelions on the slope

the wider view of the phone shows how many there were

the wall at the top of the steps at the end of the path fromthe TH

nice glimpse of the california poppies
view in the other direction 

and round the other side!

I was focusing on the bee, hadn't see the fly!

as I walked back to the Victoria gate for tea 

the sun was bright through this huge tree, though it doesn't show quite like I wanted!
walking past the new wild rose garden

I decided to take advantage of there being no-one at the sculpture by the main gate
before going for breakfast

it's just such fun!  

wibbly wobbly!! 

carrot cake... I toyed with the idea of a sausage roll but it was a bit warm

I sat in the shade of a tree out of the sun

(listening to the radio 5 Olympics coverage) 

after a short break I headed over to the Palm House
pausing for a repeat opening shot with much nicer skies!
inside the Palm House for a change,it was quite warm... 

lots of big palms in the sunshine though the windows

I decided not to go up , it's much too humid up there.

then into the waterlily house
had the right lens on to get a good all round view
before changing lens for the waterlilies in the entrance

the main waterlily pond was a bit sparse this week
perimeter growth - gourds again this year, I thin 

then it was time for the Princess of Wales conservatory

more flowers on the agave have opened 

from the other side

there were a couple of flowers on this sprawling cactus again  it's had lots this year 

just one within reach open enough to see 

another one flowering 

and on the other side of the path, 

at the very end of the "spokes"  

into the tropical room

there were a few of these left, but still falling off if you stood long enough!

the POW waterlily pond
this one, overhanging the side, was a bit nibbled by something! 
aerial view as I went up the stairs
round by where the put the Titan arums 
a few orchids in the orchid room

at the exit

quick walk through the alpine house 
  bullrush in the rock garden

through into the evolution garden to head to the student plots
the sun on these lilies stopped me
and the agapanthas

shortcut through the veg garden - at the top of an arch
then the sunflowers in the student plots

the birds are enjoying them

huge artichoke

plenty more to come

this one is closer to opening

I'd seen someone photographing this and went back to see what it was... not sure is the answer!
clematis on the pergola on my way back through to the exit

it had turned nice and warm but luckily  not hot like it had been in the week

and there we end this week's visit
Thanks for looking - Team GB had won a few medals too whilst I was walking round, I was cheering along at one point when the rowers were winning!  good job I wasn't too close to anyone at the time or I'd have got some funny looks. 

See you next week.  

oh, one last one, from the phone of the tubs by the entrance (always too keen to get in to stop at 8!) 

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Wow a fab visit and those sunflowers are absolutely stunning, glad you enjoyed a fun visit to Kew,