Friday, December 29, 2023

A trip to London

 I took a chance on the weather today and headed to London, starting with the Tower of London which was dressed up for Christmas.

as I approached the entrance you could see a huge crowd gathered in the moat round one of the Beefeaters starting their tour.

I made may way in 
finding lots of trees everywhere 
by the side of the White Tower, a throne had been set up for photo opportunities - I managed to grab a shot between tourists

in the middle of Tower Green was a huge tree 

the steps to the White Tower were also decorated

There weren't many people waiting to go into the Crown Jewels so i went in there next, which was really lucky as it was just starting to rain
soldiers outside the jewel house.

no photos allowed inside, and sadly the Coronation Robes are no longer on display but the rest of the Coronation regalia and crowns etc are as dazzling as ever 
back outside the rain had stopped and I found some more Christmas trees

and a big table set for a feast

each group of trees had a different theme of decorations
the polar bear was dressed in coronation robes

layers of Tower history through the arches
the sun was shining over Tower Bridge 

I headed out
and along the quayside
some big clouds over the Tower now, so I decided to head for my next destination

even the gift shop had it's own tree

Covent Garden.  

their big tree at the centre is apparently sprayed with (fake) snow on the hour, although not sure if that is still happening (I  saw it on the BBC breakfast weather at the beginning of December) but there was no sign of it on the floor (it was quarter past when i arrived) 

of course they would look better in the dark

I had a wander through the market but didn't really look at the stalls much

then headed off again 

there was a very dark cloud in this direction which showed the decorations up quite well

I got to Trafalgar Square and there was a great shaft of sunlight on one of the fountains

sadly by the time I'd got across the road clouds had partly covered it

(phone shot)

in front of the National Gallery were a row of Christmas market stalls and crowds of tourists

the annual Christmas tree donated by Norway in gratitude of British support during WWII
the fountains were looking good today 

the fourth plinth has a changing series of statues on top 
I went to find what it was about

the sky was changing all the time so I decided I'd head for home before it poured with rain (forecast to happen but in the end it didn't)

I do love a moody sky!  

I crossed the road and headed round Admiralty Arch - which is wrapped up as there is hotel building work going on..

I intended to head down Whitehall to Westminster and the tube station home but initially started down the Mall before I realised what I was doing...
so cut across Horse Guards parade ground

and then walked down Whitehall to Big Ben at Westminster.

there was the usual loads of traffic and I had planned to cross the road and look closer at the Christmas tree in the front of the Palace of Westminster but changed my mind

the clock was striking 1.30 as I went down to the Underground and back to Victoria and home.

Thanks for looking,  a short trip but it was good to get out for some fresh air.

I'll be going to Kew tomorrow, let's hope the weather is as kind (forecast says no...) 

1 comment:

Celtic house said...

Oh a fab jaunt around London and you managed to dodge the rain drops, you look like you gad a lovely time. Enjoy your trip to Kew even though weather looks not so great xxx