Saturday, December 30, 2023

a Final trip of the year to Kew

 Saturday... the last Saturday of 2023.. must be Kew then.  

a dull day, but the rain had stopped by 10 

even the dogwoods round the pond didn't glow as much

but heading round to see them close up they are still bright.

the early hellebores are flowering at the end of the Broad Walk 

plenty of raindrops on the euphorbia

in the Princess of Wales conservatory I went to look at the lithops as they'd featured a grower on Gardener's World yesterday with a huge collection
these were pretty too in the arid section.


alpine house

snowdrops in the rock garden

mahonia in the evolution garden 

as I was leaning into the middle of the physalis lump I noticed the little snail
there are a few roses left in the bed at the far end of the evolution garden 

buds on the Yoshino cherry trees round the rose garden  - spring is on the way


into the Temperate House

then headed to the lake through the bauble arches

I love the shape of the curved lake crossing - especially when it's empty of people....
I had to wait for ages for this couple to finish taking their photos and leaving the crossing

I can't get rid of the gap sorry. 

holly walk 

variegated holly

Temperate House through the trees

dogwood in the winter garden

the hellebores are coming out here too 

the witch hazel are starting to come out too

then I headed down Camellia Walk to the exit

thanks for looking -  next week will be the start of a new year of visits to Kew..

the folder I keep my Kew photos in on the computer tell me I visited 59 times this year - I haven't counted the number of photos I took though!! 


Celtic house said...

It was a really dull day yesterday, we commented how dark the house seemed. Love the snowdrop patch and the splash of yellow of the mahonia.

Glad you enjoyed your last trip to Kew, I'll see you in 2024.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a belated happy Christmas and Boxing Day, and a safe, healthy,and joyous new year and all of 2024. Hope it's the best yet.

Loved the Kew photos, too.

Words and Pictures said...

Still so much beauty and joy despite the dull grey day. I must look in to whether hellebores would manage to emerge early here in the Czech countryside too (very hard winters, so I'm not holding my breath)...

Great photos as always.
Alison x