Saturday, January 27, 2024

Kew - winter colour

Saturday again, Kew day.  Enjoy!  

It was much less cold today so I didn't need quite so many layers!

there was a hint of sun making colours pop much more.

the pink helllebores at the top of the Broad Walk were trying to revive after the ice of last week but lots were still drooping and hiding their heads

there were daffodils poking through the soil further along... signs of spring for sure. 

I turned off from the Broad Walk and went round by the Hive past some budding magnolias all soft fluffy buds...

in a more sheltered bed outside the back of the Princess of Wales I found one daffodil in flower 

the POW is still closed to visitors whilst they prepare the orchid festival which opens next weekend (with advance entrance to pre-booked members on Friday but a) I'm working and b) they'd all gone before I saw the email!!)

I could see people inside working hard

it's going to be one of those weeks, with blogger reversing the orders..

alpine house...

growing well 

then it was through to the evolution garden

and back along the path to the side of the POW again 

I had a sneak through the window again - this is obviously a big bird!  I'll be able to show you properly, from inside next week!

witch hazel 

walked back round the pond 
and past the side of the Palm House 

at the far end of the path round the rose garden there seems to be some serious tree work going on

I headed towards the Temperate House past the new beds at the end of the mediterranean garden 

inside the Temperate House
stem of a palm,  liked the patterns

up the stairs to the viewing platform

I walked round the other side this week 

looking down at the waterfall 

it's great to be able to see the tops of the plants from up high 
and the urns on the pillars outside through the windows 

very mossy!  
my favourite (for now) is starting to go over 
light through leaves 
back on the ground 

Chilean wine palm 
tempranillo tree tomatoes looking all shiny today

in a tub in one of the octagon sections this base of a palm reminded me of a pineapple
standing further back for the palm itself

in the far end section now,

this reminded me of a head-dress 

ok, no so this is my favourite, 

African Hemp

back outside again and heading for the lake

lots of holly berries still

nearly forgot to go and check on the silver daisy bush

It's going to be hard to get close ups this year, it's grown tall.  I may have to stand on the narrow wall...

it was quite sunny by the time I got to the lake and the dogwoods were bright 
great reflections

that's Peter who feeds the birds, talking to a lady I've seen several times

from the phone 

I didn't stop to talk to Peter who was surrounded by birds..

this is a new path they're developing at the side of the lake

I remembered I had to visit the Winter garden, so headed back along Holly Walk to cut across in front of the Temperate house

the leaves were shining in the sun

wow, what a lot of colour!  

the lady in the pink hat tones quite well
you can see at the bottom of the slope in the photo above a lot of hellebores..

another lady came up as I was taking these as I was struggling to get upright again without falling in the muddy grass!

lots of snowdrops on the slopes too and the yellow at the very bottom of the photo is winter aconite

more hellebores as you wind up the slope round the garden,  there must have been some frost overnight but it was thawing on this one.

we hadn't had a lot of frost at home last night
daphne  - I believe it is renowned for it's scent but it was too far into the bed to catch it


several edgworthia shrubs

and some deep pink  hellebores underneath

red witch hazel.

I really wish they were nearer the edge of the beds.

at the top of the slope is a seating area and you can just lean over to get better shots of the orange one

on my way back down the slope - I took this by mistake, I meant to take it lower down for the dogwood, but you get a good view across to the Temperate House to anchor where you are in the garden!!  

this rubus is spreading out like an umbrella...

ah, I knew I'd taken more of the darker hellebores!

back on the path as you walk back round to Camellia Walk   you can see from the side how steep the slope is

and so to Camellia Walk  which runs back to the Victoria Gate

huge trees on the left 

flower touched by frost - love the bronzy colour! 

berries in the sun - you can't quite see how sparkly there were 

I wanted to go into the Palm House before I left 

I'd undone my coat, shed my hat and gloves but there wasn't any blue sky behind this huge tree

despite the  misting of my lens, this palm at the entrance was brightly lit

a bird was singing away on one of the nearby branches, I think it was the wren that lives in the palm house but I couldn't get near enough

I love the colours and speckles on this palm 

as I left the Palm House through the main door I paused to take a photo of the empty urn 
and then headed to the exit - some big tubs by the exit with little pansies (violas?) caught my eye as I left for my train.

thanks for looking - next week it's Orchid Time!!  

see you then. 


Celtic house said...

Oh that looks like a nice visit, it was still cool here so I'm assuming it must have been warmer where you were.

The witch Hazel is so pretty, and the pansies were really pretty as well.

Hope you are having a good weekend.



pearshapedcrafting said...

Such beautiful colours around and it's still January! Don't blame you for wrapping up well , we have had some biting winds here even in the sunshine! Looking forward to the orchids! Hugs, Chrisx