Saturday, September 9, 2023

Kew a short trip

 I wasn't planning on Kew today as we are in the middle of a heatwave and due to the Richmond Funfest, they weren't opening till 11 am.  But, I changed my mind.

the sky was brilliant blue and it was already about 28 degrees Celsius when I got in at 11

Kim had very sensibly decided to stay at home and I knew I wouldn't be able to stay long in the heat.

I have no idea how runners were able to do a 10k run - even starting around 8 in the morning. 

I decided to go into the waterlily house first,  which was more or less empty
another flush of passionflowers have opened round the pond

and although the doors to the house had been left open, it was pretty hot 

so I didn't stay inside long

then it was down the Broad Walk.  

once I was round the back of the Broad Walk border there was some shade from the big trees which was welcome

There were more people than I thought - the runners are allowed to stay in after the 10k, and the visitors were also enjoying what shade they could

the bees seemed to be ok with the heat

at the monkey puzzle tree I noticed loads of spider webs glistening in the sun
some of which were occupied!

round by the Princess of Wales conservatory

thanks to this week's Gardeners' World tv programme this week, I know this is wild carrot.

I decided to brave the heat of the POW  and blogger has chosen the order it wants you to see these photos!

this was by the entrance and I loved the light through the top leaf on the plant
the cool orchid room didn't feel particularly cool today!
but this was a real beauty

and so was this one 

the phone caught it better I think

the flash insisted on firing for this 
in the alpine house

sunflowers along the veg garden

(the student plots were locked again)
I took a photo of the row of sunflowers

a bee flew through the shot!  

in the evolution garden, 

physalis -  it's a huge spread of a plant this year, 

the sun was shining on the top of this flower, am pleased how it came out

fennel against the blue sky
the rudbeckia are starting to fade but still make a gorgeous picture

in an effort to be cool I walked through the shady woody path back to the Palm House

the colchicums were glowing in a patch of sun under a tree

I did make it as far as the lake
and sat on a bench for a few minutes having a drink of water

but, defeated, I decided to head for the exit- my phone was saying it was 32 degrees now (and higher when I got home)
keeping to the trees for shade, I found another small monkey puzzle

that's it for today, it's turned out to be the hottest day of the year, and I wasn't able to stay out any longer!

I am off work next week and have some things planned so watch this space!

See you soon.  

1 comment:

Celtic house said...

I honestly don't know how you managed to go today, it has been absolutely unbearable, mind you we were at said 22 year old's and d-i-law wallpapering, although we only did the bit at the bottom of the stairs - the landing was far too warm to consider doing that today.

I noticed a fair few webs out in the garden today when I was bringing the washing in, mind you even they must be confused.