Saturday, June 3, 2023

Kew - more colour

 June, but it was cold to start with today at Kew.  

there's more colour in the beds at the Palm House

under planting in the round bed of alliums

they are starting to fade already but the next stage is equally gorgeous

the sprinklers were on along the Broad Walk which made up for no sun (yet) and a stiff breeze)

lots of new things to come...

there were bees everywhere 

Indian Horse Chestnut
nigella (love-in-a-mist)
laburnum arch in the Kew Palace garden,

fading now but again, loads of bees 

corner of Kew Palace

back door

little pond, with a coot nest - no sign of the coots, Kim saw babies last time she was here 

geum gone to seed, at the top of the rock garden by the alpine house
in the little waterlily pond

my favourite wildflower border, not just yellow and white this week

and cornflowers

the poppies were full of bees (most out of focus as they move so fast)


caught in action again! 

roses on the pergola

it would have been better in the sunshine with blue skies, but you can't have it all..
looking back at part of the wildflower border - it runs the whole length of the student plots 
sweet peas
more poppies
these were really beautiful
and some redder ones full of bees!

looks like I caught the bee left edge coming in! 
looking over the red poppies to the orange ones on the other corner

the eryngium are growing, I love these spiky beauties

this was gorgeous - these tree like groups of flowers were growing from the branches of the shrub

couldn't see a name though
pom pom type peonies 

it was very dull at this time still 

but we did pass later when the sun had come out
so this is all for now!

bee action on ceanothus 

gorgeous iris - what a colour!

into the rock garden now

even without last week's blue sky and sun they look fab.  

gunnera at the edge of the pond 
palm house in the background

we headed to the lake next 

at first the swans and their 4 cygnets were on the opposite side of the lake to us in the water

as we crossed the lake we saw they'd climbed out so went for a closer look

they were preening away fluffing up their feathers
the 4 babies are so cute!

mandarin duck 

towards the bottom end of the lake (nearest the main gardens)

we headed to the rose garden

(blogger is reversing them)

these ones had a gorgeous scent

the sun was finally trying to come out and burn through the cloud

some of the blooms were enormous

velvety petals

it was nearly 10, so we headed for the Princess of Wales conservatory for a new orchid
tulip tree flowers

cistus outside 
dropped petals in the water round the POW

they came and unlocked the door - quite a few people waiting to go and see the new orchid

we paused by some cactus
I managed to blur most of these 


diverted to the upper level, but the camera was refusing to play nicely 
I went to have a look at the titan arum

the inflourescence has collapsed as expected

wider angle from the phone 

then into the orchid room - the Ghost Orchid has been donated to Kew after it's (non flowering) appearance at the Chelsea Flower Show last week

it's displayed in a terrarium in a glass case where the rarest orchids are shown

it's tiny, and there were lots of people and lots of reflections on the glass...

couldn't move back to get the whole sign in.

first time it's bloomed in the UK is what it says.

passionflower near the exit

round to the alpine house where outside the sun was now shining
making the geum brighter!
into the alpine house

we walked through the rock garden again to go and get something to eat and drink
had to stop at these again in the sun now

told you the peonies looked better later!

not sure what these are, but they were quite pretty hanging 
ferns in the sun

there was a long queue at the Victoria Gate cafe so we headed along the path to the Pavilion cafe near the Temperate House
Pagoda hidden by trees

we sat outside to enjoy a pot of tea and a slice of carrot and walnut cake

sharing photos to FB!  

then heading to the Temperate House

two trees at the base of the steps, smothered in blossom 

and bees!  
lots of birds of paradise looking fantastic,  just having been sprayed with water
so water drop time!

this yellow one is right inside the door


then the birds of paradise corner

got carried away.  sorry, not sorry.   

these white flowers look like bird of paradise but aren't , they grow at the top of a palm like plant

this is starting to collapse now, when the flower finishes the plant dies.  we've been watching this for months and now it's changing
more daisies

the ferns looked great in the sun coming through the windows 
grass tree.  we were going to go into the house with the silver daisy bush but there was some kind of group thing going on so we couldn't
I didn't look for the name of this, but it was very pretty mauve against grey leaves. 

shiny leaves!  this is at the end of Cherry Walk as you go up the steps to the Mediterranean garden

I love this, it is so pretty pinky mauve 

complete with bees 

off to the waterlily house now,  flowering palm outside
there were some huge lily pads!

this year the planting round the outside of the pond, under the windows, has lots of passionflowers 

took a couple on the phone for a wider angle, keeping well away from the edge of the pond!
it was quite busy as you can see

smaller waterlilies too 

hibiscus in the outer part between the 2 sets of doors
and on our way to the exit, closer look at the planting in the palm house beds

thanks for looking again, another marathon post!  

see you next week 

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Wow what amazing colours, it looked like a fabulous summer visit to Kew. Loving the colour of the cornflowers and the poppies so bright and upbeat.

The goose was sweet but the cygnets were definitely cuter, how lovely that they ventured over for a visit to see you.

Hope the weather stays good for your weekend visit.
