in fact as I walked across Kew Bridge from the station, the sky was very blue and I needed my sunglasses.
bit of a change from raincoats and umbrellas most of the week
first in again, but lots of people behind me!
the fuschias in the urns overhanging on the side of the pond
the Palm House beds with the Waterlily House in the background
the bright sun on the pond creating a nice silhouette effect
the sun was really catching Paintbrushes in the bed at the top of the Broad Walk
I walked down the Broad Walk first as usual
these lillies are very tall (never sure if they're finished or fresh blooms coming like this... we'll see. I think they're over)
this is what I love about the early mornings at Kew.. soft, dappled sunlight
tall phlox (I think) in the sun
you know I can't resist the echinacea (cone flowers)
especially with the agapanthas behind them
the last of yesterday's raindrops
this poor bee seemed completely still, didn't move... hopefully it was just sleeping, sated on pollen!
I took one with my phone and walked on, then realised I'd got that out of focus so came back, where it was still motionless...
however, on the next group of plants, the bees were very active as always
at the end of the Broad Walk I deviated from my normal route as I had decided I would go to the lake next
as I crossed the grass there is a good view of the Hive between the trees
leaves of the Red Oak tree
the Palm House also nestling between trees
although this isn't one of my favourite Chihuly pieces, today it looked amazing in the sun!
moody shot!
as I approached the lake, I noticed two coots (or moorhens, I can never tell them apart) on the nest that the heron sometimes stalks fish from...though one of them swam off.
lake still scummy!
another nest in clearer water further along
by the bridge
swans on the bank, preening as usual
as I crossed the bridge over the lake, I noticed a large fish never seen one in there before (but obviously there are, or the heron wouldn't be around!)
I walked up the other side of the lake to the top end
looking back at the bridge
and in the distance, the heron was in place! (mid of picture you may be able to pick him out if you enlarge the photo)
this tree always makes great reflections on sunny days...
today was no exception
I headed down Cedar Vista but there were no sign of peacocks in or out of trees again.
the Pagoda at the end
so I headed to the Japanese landscape and the Nijima Floats
where appropriately there are several beds full of Japanese Anemones
I headed back towards the Temperate House
past trees full of fruit or hips or something
for some reason I really noticed the harlequin pattern on the urn on top of the Temperate House today
last week's wind had done no damage to the Chihuly and it was looking beautiful silhouetted
around the corner at the other end of the TH
the sun was shimmering
on some of the cattails
loving these ones today!
I was thinking about something to eat...
raindrops on roses
but after checking the Victoria Gate cafe I didn't fancy cake this early (amazing, normally I can eat cake anytime... but I had an idea...)
then I saw a Facebook post from WOYWW desker Michaela about some art she'd abandoned in the student veg garden when she visited in the week...
I decided to go and see if it was still there...
so headed through the rock garden
where I got distracted by these lillies
it was still there, but I left it in place for someone else and if I'd thought of it would have taken a photograph...
I walked through the Evolution garden
where the hollyhocks had slumped towards the path making them easy to reach with my lens...
where everything was looking gorgeous
I went into the Princess of Wales for an early dragon hunt
these are still in full flower
ooh spiky!
waterlily pad - it was slightly redder and not as purple as this seems
by the mangroves, there was indeed a water dragon, down from his pillar already
I stopped for a couple of minutes but he seemed quite still....
so went through to check elsewhere.
none I could see at the moment..
walked through the cool orchid room
gorgeous leaf markings
through another door
down round by the back of the mangrove pond area, not sure what this flower is/was sitting on a rock
splash of orange in a hanging basket by the door back out to the cactus/desert section
and of course when I got back to the mangrove bit, he'd moved across to sit in the wall again!
I headed for the exit and of course had to stop for this!
and a large hibiscus..
I headed to the Orangery restaurant for a proper breakfast which I ate outside...
bit of a mistake as the wasps wanted to share..
it was ok, but not as hot as I'd have liked so when I'd finished I headed back (there was a big cloud overhead)
the bed at the Orangery end of the Broad Walk...
the cloud was holding off (no rain was forecast so I was hopeful) so I visited the Hive
wildflower meadow
still has that cloud overhead
I went back to the Princess of Wales
going in through the other door
(bedding outside)
I thought this would be spiky but it wasn't
it's an Australian plant
Melaleuca diosmifolia
large ferns
still on his wall!
this time I found a little one sitting in the tree through in the other bit
he seemed quite happy there
so I went back again
and the other side of the pond I found this one, on the other part of the wall
posing away, he drew quite a crowd
so I went back outside again
and through the alpine house, though there wasn't a huge amount flowering in there today
back in the Evolution garden
huge group of crocosmia
and more echinacea
as I was going completely out of order round today, I needed to go to the
Waterlily House...
where there were loads of waterlilies flowering
so I went back to the low-level shooting today
apart from this overhead
I crossed the path and walked through the Palm House
before heading out again and towards the Temperate House
this one is Poliothyris... no idea! like it though
past Sapphire Star
in the Temperate House
the huge hibiscus have opened now fully, last week there were lots that were only partly open
loving it
the sun was pouring through the roof and windows
I didn't go up to the top today, but it was very popular up there!
I love how the plants are growing up and around and over the glassworks
it really is very clever planning of the positioning of each set of glass
the huge tubs of coleus
glinting in the sun
I put the wide angle on as I walked round the outside
as I haven't used it for weeks and there is no point lugging it all and not using it!
I kept the wide angle on as I went round the gallery for a change....
some framed prints in the shop
back down the path to the entrance
another (better) shot of the overhanging fuschia in the urns
I went for one last look
the one that had been on the wall at the desert end, was now on the steps...
from behind him
this one was flat out on his wall!
and this one was still in the tree!
as I was looking at this one, I noticed some people to my right looking at another tree...
that makes 4 different ones today!
they are so good at camouflage!
I stood there for ages and several people walked past but none seemed to stop and look, which is unusual.
I thought I saw a movement in the other tree out of my eye, and sure enough, the little one had vanished!
and then there was a rustling as this one changed position too
as I made my way out this one had moved off the steps and onto the rock where I'd seen it a couple of weeks ago
what a treat today
as I went round past the pond, the fish were being fed but I couldn't get close, and decided not to hang around to see if the water dragons were next (I am sure they would have been) but decided to head for home.
Thanks for looking!
Love it, some cracking photos
The urns are certainly looking spectacular. Beautiful triad of colors, too.
Wonderful shots of the bees. Still loving the Nijima Floats. I really LOVE that garden, too.
I can't believe there was no breakage from all the wind you say you experienced. You would think some of the slender pieces left outside would have broken.
I'm amazed you have beans for breakfast. But it looks like a great meal, and SO unlike your usual cake.
My favorite photo today was 161. A view I was certainly not used to seeing. Probably one I've never seen before in fact. But I really enjoyed it.
I also enjoyed the gallery views and the prints. They were also on my list of favorites.
It was certainly a good day for the Chinese water dragons. They are so adorable and I can't believe you found FOUR in one day.
Thanks for taking me with you on this trip to Kew. I loved seeing it through your lens again today.
Looks like the weather was unexpectedly kind to you... though I do love the "raindrops on roses" photo. I can practically smell the lavender... and the Chinese Water Dragons clearly wanted to come out to play with you.
Alison x
Hi Helen,nearly missed these and I so love the lizards they are such show-offs. Thanks for the comment over at mine too. Looks like being warm tomorrow so it should be a good turn out for the Steampunk festival which should mean lots of photos so fingers crossed. Sending hugs, Angela xXx
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