Saturday, October 21, 2023

Kew - very wet!

 Storm Babet came to the UK Friday/Satarday - luckily the south didn't get as bad weather as elsewhere, but this  morning the rain started again about 8.50 whilst I was waiting at Kew... It was tricky work juggling the big umbrella and my camera.. not much swapping of lenses.  

this slightly lighter sky was a false hope...

I even put the waterproof (not particulary waterproof) cover over the rucksack to keep it as dry as possible, and the soaking paths meant there was nowhere to change lenses outside the Palm House like I usually do,
there were big puddles from overnight rain and they were being added to by the downpour that had just started...

everything was very very wet...
benches under trees were too wet to use as a resting place for my bag

so I headed for the shelter of the overhang at the Princess of Wales conservatory and changes to the macro lens there

the tree opposite is putting on a good display of colour now

that meant I was able to double back and go down the Broad Walk for the raindrops.... 

It was hard keeping the umbrella over me and the camera so we both got wet... 

as I got to the halfway point I turned left and took the path into the arboretum for tree colour 

I had a few that were out of focus, I think I was rushing to try and keep the camera dry and didn't wait for the focus 

the colours were beautiful though 

they'd obviously managed to cut  the grass during the week before it started raining, as there were big clumps of cut grass (they don't take it away) turning very very soggy...

even the leaves had puddles in them!! 

there was no way I could change lens for wider angle views, so the phone was handy

passing a gap in the trees with the Palm House nestling in between
I was keeping mostly off the grass although my boots were very wet (so were my feet, I think I need some dubbing or something, or maybe a new pair of properly waterproof boots.... wellies would have been a sensible choice!)

Today saw the start of a children's half term special "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" - a trail based on the children's book by Michael Rosen - I saw several very wet looking guides standing around at various places - I felt very sorry for them.

It's on till next weekend so hopefully I'll see a bit of it properly then
as I approached the lake, I saw that Peter, one of the regulars was there, despite the rain (there weren't many visitors yet, surprisingly!)

and lots of mandarin ducks - they must have come in for winter
the trees on the island don't look as impressive as they did last week when they had that gorgeous blue sky backdrop!

I took the path along the right-hand side of the lake avoiding big puddles

enjoying the colours 

and lots more mandarins

squelching round the lake I came across some funghi
and at the top of the lake lots more wildlife on the water
this looks better in the sun too, but the tree stems still look quite golden in the wet
more funghi. broken in the grass
back at the lake crossing on the other side of the lake

Dave the squirrel man was under the sweet chestnut tree too, getting wet but keeping the squirrels nuts dry with an umbrella over the tub...

I headed off in search of refreshments
pausing for waterdrops...

on signs
and fir trees

walking past the treetop walkway, there was no way I was climbing up there today

it kept trying to stop raining but each time I lowered the umbrella it started again

I could get into the davies exploration house today but the strawflowers were only accessible from a distance as there was a stage and barriers in front of them so I couldn't get my normal macro shots
into the Temperate House by the main middle doors 

there were lots of people around who seemed to be rehearsing for something...

I didn't really mean to get them in shot (this is on the phone, even inside I didn't want to unwrap the rucksack to get at the other lens

in the further octogan I took a wider shot (phone again) of the display

before heading through to the far end of the TH

and out into the almost stopped raining  outside...

I headed towards the pavilion cafe as it would have just opened 

was just about ok to put the brolly down for a bit 

the berries looking fab still
the water was dripping off the ends as I was trying to capture them

the vines were gorgeous in the wet though

I abandoned my thought of eating here though as there was no cake on display and I couldn't be bothered to check what was out back

so headed off up the path to the Victoria cafe

I'm glad I did though as round the side of the Pavilion cafe I saw one of the foxes padding across the grass 
he looked very wet too....

I could get quite close
 before he ran off
as I got back towards the Temperate House I was pleased to see the reflections in the puddles 

wider angle on the phone.  

It's a great shot in the rain, from here if you time it right

outside the gallery the sugar maple - acer   has lost lots of leaves but the dark branches and trunk make a good contrast for the leaves that remain

I went into the gallery as the new exhibition - which is on until April - opened

It's by a contemporary artist Mat Collishaw

I couldn't get many photos - it was very dimly lit - I will try another week when I can get at the other lens... but what I saw was good.. I've linked to the Kew website

I think this may be too blurry to read  - as I say it was very dark in there 

apparently the image on the display above, slowly  rotates - I will spend more time watching it another week  

I took this with the camera of the projected image on the floor - part of anyway 

before heading outside again, where .it had stopped....

no , it  hadn't still raining...

a very wet camelia 

my favourite autumn tree

there was a man sitting on the bench in the temple and I didn't want to squelch closer - there should be still lots of colour left next week

it really HAD stopped raining now but I ate inside as the chairs outside were all soaking wet

as I came out I headed back along the Palm House, retracing my first steps
look, SUN!!  
if you're reading this this week Elizabeth, no the urns along the pond are still planted

the big tree at the end, still with sopping wet leaves but at least it was easier without the umbrella in the way
the "beasts" outside the Palm House

2 large lily pads dryng outside the waterlily house

inside, misted up a bit (you were right Kim) 

water drops in here too, but not from rain this time

fading passionflower round the pond 
back outside again

more closeups of the wet leaves

didn't think I'd see blue sky today

the maple outside the POW 

tiny yellow passionflower on the upper level... almost open.  we NEVER catch this open 

back down by the back of the pond
this is the smelly one that last year they grew in the waterlily house, 
there was even enough sun to illuminate the petals

by the exit to the POW

couple of tubs of orchids.. 
outside, near the alpine house

think this is a strawberry tree
looking across the grass garden
quick walk through the alpine house 
outside at the top of the rock garden

I decided not to go to the Evolution garden today  it was just mid-day and there was a train in 26 minutes...

so I headed for the exit and the station

a bit less of an eventful journey home!  

thanks for looking, hope you stayed drier than I did and see you next week. 


Hj said...

Some amazing shots. Love autumn and your close-ups. Sad the weather wasn't more compassionate.

Celtic house said...

Oh we travelled through all that rain it was truly awful. Kew still looks stunning despite the weather, great colour on the trees. Love the fact you saw the fox on your travels. The autumn Berries really are an amazing colour as well. I wondered if they'd do a half term trail for the kids I know you've mentioned it in the past. Hope you've had a good week. Xxx