Saturday, October 14, 2023

Autumn colours at Kew

 Quite a crowd at the gate for the 9 am opening today.. It was chilly, but bright.

the rest of the beds have been planted up,  

big tree at the top of the Broad Walk

it had rained overnight 

there is still one patch of rudbeckia on the left side of the Broad Walk in full flower

round the back now in the wet grass


tops of trees 
monkey puzzle

trying to catch the webs in the sun

along the way to the grass garden,  I was having trouble seeing in the bright sun, even with my sunglasses on 

the alpine house was open, but didn't inspire me.

red hot poker in the rock garden

nerines as you go into the evolution garden 
turned left into the veg garden where there was a display of their pumpkins and squashes curing (as the sign said). They'll have some on sale on 27 October and giving some to food banks

sunflowers fading now
gorgeous red leaves 
blogger wants you to see this artichoke here not with the pumpkins..

evolution garden now

tree to the left along the wall that borders Kew
the physalis were hard to catch today
lots of rubbish in the way!  but, show it  how it is, is my philosophy, where possible! 

these were at the back of the bush

sky was lovely, sun was warm(ish) but it was a fleece and gloves day 
the eryngium are still looking structurally gorgeous 

just a few flowers left on the helenium 
Temple of Aeolus at the top of the hill at the end of the EG

round the pond 
Temple from the other side
took a series of the lions by the pond

it was not quite 10 but I was in need of sustenance early today 

hot chocolate and a sausage roll

the sausage roll wasn't particularly hot, so it was a bit disappointing today
they're running a trial of re-usable cups for drinks 

the blurb explains they don't have room at the Victoria Gate cafe for dishwashing facilities which is why they can't have proper crockery so we'll see how these go.

there are special bins round the grounds to put the cups in or you can return them to the cafe for re-using.

then it was time to head for trees in autumn shades...

squirrel running across the grass

I wasn't aiming for him, just the trees!


I was going to head straight for the lake but
caught a glimpse of red....

then it was to the lake

where I was rewarded 

no signs of the swans or the remaining cygnet (Kim had wondered if it had "flown the nest")

but the red of the tree on the island was stunning

view from the crossing on phone 

before I got to the crossing, I tried to get the reflection without changing lens (it was muddy underfoot so didn't want to put the bag down)

got one on the phone though!

and at the crossing when I could change lens, I just got the geese flying in...

it's so beautiful 

I got a bit carried away

as I walked toward the treetop walkway and then the temperate house I saw Dave the squirrel man, filming the baby squirrels in their tree.
I didnt disturb him..will look for the facebook evidence later

the Davies Exploration house was shut, (home of the strawflowers) and no explanation - it's usually for a private event, but no sign up

so into the Temperate House

ferns unfurling

couldn't resist the hangings in the centre
the colours seemed brighter today, must be the lovely sunlight streaming through the windows and doors

display in the further octagon

found the label today, it's a sausage tree...kigelia africana

not sure how sausage-like they are.....
love these leaves.

nearly up at the ceiling

as I came out, I remembered to head for the Pavilion cafe and the beautiful berries....

behind me the TH
beautiful leaves

through the gate to your right is a pergola type thing with beautiful leaves

underfoot are stepping stones through a "river" of smaller stones which make handy focusing points 

then it was the main purpose of my visit

round the other side of the cafe 
further leaves 

and grapes galore

then back along through the trees toward the Palm House

lots of beds being regenerated all over the place,  Kew is constantly changing which is great 

I had abandoned the gloves and it was quite pleasant in the sun now

people walking round the upper platform inside ...
but I went into the waterlily house

where I had the cold day battle with my camera fogging up

from the inner doorway, managed to avoid the people inside

the corner bits of the waterlily house have little wet marshy areas in
these are  Florida swamp lilies

this one is a bit foggy!
and I've shown the leaves before, still love the bold patterns
some waterlilies in the pond
and a red passionflower
foggy one!  but including it anyway

slightly better version in the next corner

outside again 

heading for the Princess of Wales conservatory now

I turned to my left by the cacti first
Kim and I had seen these flowers weeks ago and I've been forgetting to look again

the bed behind them is being re-done

this used to have loads of beautiful blue and pink tiny flowered shrubs in.

wonder what's coming instead

then back round the other side through the cacti 

you can see how long this is! 

into the rainforest zone

more fogging!

luckily the phone doesn't have that problem

this is from the steps to the upper level

these are out of order, 
but it's a little passionflower - pale yellow, though I couldn't get the camera to see it as yellow
by the door that leads out to the bed being redeveloped I showed earlier

bottle brush

aeonium in a display outside the POW

they'll probably have to take them inside soon, they aren't particularly hardy
and the acer in front of the POW

and that's today..

I was able to use trains to go home today - 2 different routes to choose from.

it was all going well, until we reached what should have been 4 stations from home... we got stuck at a signal., then the driver announced we had to divert as there was a trespasser on the track near the next station and the power was off... 20 minutes late we got to Sutton....(it wouldn't have mattered if I'd chosen the other route the disruption was on the section both would have used.)   I suppose I was lucky we were on a stretch of track where there was the ability TO divert rather than sit it out....
I seem to be jinxed with my homeward journeys...
But, thanks for looking and hope you enjoyed the autumn colours.
See you next week. 


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Goodness. What a difference after missing two weeks. Your opening shot is very, very different. I take it the urns are now empty.

Loved the Monkey Puzzle. Nice view of the Alpine House. Those are some incredible pumpkins. Love the physalis. they are beautiful. My fennel isn't that far along and I planted it in early spring. Stunning shots of the lions by the pond. Reusable cups? Wonder how many will want to drink from one. Autumn has truly arrived at Kew. Loved the selfie. Your hair matches the tree. LOVED all the gorgeous reds. Love that bottle brush. Saw one in California. I'm surprised they grow there. Thanks for sharing these amazing photos today, Helen. Loved it all. Hope Kim is doing better.

Celtic house said...

Oh what a wonderful visit to Kew, beautiful autumn colours and what a change since your last jaunt.

I always think the colours of autumn are the best if I'm honest it is my favourite time of year (although I'd gladly do without the autumn storms).

the selfie is fab too.

Have an awesome weekend
