Saturday, January 27, 2018

A chilly morning at Kew

After missing last week (weather partly, but mostly due to a hair appointment) I set off again today... Forecast was for rain from lunchtime/early afternoon so I was keen to make the most of the early almost sunshine!
 I started at my usual first photo stop.. the primulas, especially the yellow ones, are developing nicely
the sky was very grey, but it was quite bright
 lots of the (empty) urns had several gulls sitting on the edge... straight after I took this one they all took off!
still loving the Dogwood

 decided to head straight for the Life in Death exhibit - I can't keep away!
beautiful camellia

 there were only two other people in there when I arrived so it was easy to avoid them...

 I put the longer zoom on and shot at 135mm today so a different perspective

the longer lens length allowed me to shoot towards the ceiling and avoid the lights.. love this one!

ok, that's probably enough for today!

 back outside, it was spitting with rain.   boo!

(it didn't come to much till I got home)
 drifts of spring... crocus ...
the work coming on, re-placing the planting inside (re-opens 5 May) 
 it was too muddy to kneel on the grass but got some low angle shots by putting the camera down low..

 do love the shape of this tree
 the trunk looks like arms
 lovely little ball of fluffy stuff in the nook of a small branch..
 daffodils emerging from the leaf litter... a sure sign of spring around the corner!
 drifts of snowdrops

 I headed for the lake...
there was a fluttering of wings, someone was feeding the gulls along the lakeside a  way....

 I crossed the crossing and walked along the other side, they suddenly took off...

 these crocus were more open than the earlier drifts..
 knobbly tree trunks..
 hellebores... more crouching down..
because I don't use the 'live shooting screen, it takes a lot of pics to get the blooms in the right place!

After warming up over a coffee and something to heat,  I started down the Broad Walk, intending to head home but remembered I hadn't popped in to the Princess of Wales glasshouse to see how Orchids at Kew is coming along - it opens on 10 February and I'd seen some tweets of pics of the progress...

past another knobbly tree!

 there was a delicious smell ...
 and the centre piece is in place.. awaiting decoration!
 so it's going to be a bull...wonder if they'll cover it in flowers or leave it like this...
 into the cool orchid area...
these are in the Alpine house..

gorgeous colour

 mini hellebores..
 the grasses outside

 couldn't pass up a visit to the Hive...

lots of lights on, so lots of activity in the actual hive!

I had to have a rest (almost fell asleep) after getting home before tackling today's photos!

Thanks for looking!


Miriam said...

Fabulous photos.... I love the dogwood too...and it's so great to see spring peeping through.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

STILL love your opening shot and had a laugh at the urns. At least they were partially "filled." I 'd hate to have to clean them after this!

Still loving that Life in Death exhibit and the photos from this latest visit are very unique. I know you will be sad when it leaves.

Is that fluffy stuff in the tree branch an air plant? It sort of looks like it.

I've never seen snowdrops except in photos. They seem to crop up in all my European friends' photos.

I adore the alpine house and the beautiful flowers inside it, as well as the grasses outside. I look forward to the Orchids at Kew. A bull seems unique, but I guess they use them as work horses in Asia. It's going to be a fun exhibit I know you won't want to miss, either.

Thanks for taking us with you today, and I simply adore all the photos of the various places and events you shared. I know you can't wait for May 5!

Kirsten said...

Wonderful photos. Great to see the snowdrops and the colours of the dogwood are gorgeous.

Sally H said...

Stunning photos as always, Helen! I have an orchid flowering at the moment and I get wafts of scent from it - really beautiful! Can't wait to see what happens with the bull!
Thanks for taking me on your walk and for braving the cold for me :D

Hazel Agnew said...

Loved the tour Helen. Some amazing photos there. In the alpine house, the purple ones are Iris Reticulata. I have some in bud. Really enjoyed your photos. Xx

Virginia said...

Wow you've got some gorgeous photos there Helen and some definite signs that spring is around the corner - I wish it would hurry up!~

craftimamma said...

Finally made it back via the laptop to comment. What lovely photos once again! I love the mini ones...the iris and helibores and the outdoor helibores and so pretty. I do wish they would turn their beautiful faces up though and I bet you do too for your pics, lol! The lovely signs of Spring are so welcome with the snowdrops, daffodils and crocus. I wonder what the little ball of fluffy stuff is. Probably some parasitic plant but its looks so delicate.

The Life in Death exhibit is still looking great and I can understand why you are so facinated by it.

Lesley Xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

I really enjoyed this visit Helen! I think mostly for the signs of spring but also for your enthusiasm for each area you visit too! We have plans to visit Kew in April when we stay in London before going on to Paris! The Orchid Exhibit will be quite sight I think! Hugs, Chrisx