Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kew again - orchids

Each February - March, for the last few years, Kew has had a fabulous orchid display in the Princess of Wales glasshouse - and this year's started yesterday (though it takes them about 2-3 weeks to install!)

So, bright and early (except that it was very grey and very very windy) I set off. I was at the gates first (little things please me!) and made a beeline for the hothouse.

The theme this year, is "rising from the rainforest floor" and inside the main entrance to the glasshouse is a "burnt forest" display with charred wood and smoke rising (fake, obviously!)

This year, they've got the sounds of the forest too with birds and animal sounds played around the display - it was excellent.
When I was there, I didn't think the colours of the main display (left) were as vibrant as last year, but looking at the pics, I think it must have been my eyes - I wasn't wearing my glasses as they kept misting up!
This is the "rising from the floor" display - it looks amazing IRL.
 I zoomed in on the top of the display.
The upper levels of the glasshouse they decorate with arches of orchids - these WERE bright!
 Had to make sure I rotated the photo the right way...
Outside, there were signs that spring is on the way!! Snowdrops coming out.
 Not sure what the yellow flowers are behind these snowdrops, but they looked great together.
 And I had to take another photo of "my" fountain - because the wind was blowing the water so hard, I wanted to try and capture it. (If I knew which setting on the damn camera was meant to blur the action, I'd have used that too, just for effect.   Must try to find the handbook one day!)
Elsewhere it was just grey and bare trees - but the shapes were fantastic!
Thanks for looking!


Artyjen said...

Lovely photo's....not sure what the yellow flower is.
xoxo Sioux

Lori said...

Those tree shots are excellent! Lovely photos, Helen! Isn't the yellow flower crocus?

Heather Williams said...

I think the yellow flowers are aconites - we have them in the garden amongst the snowdrops.
