Saturday, March 1, 2025

Orchids at Kew final weekend

 Welcome to meteorological spring.... the day started with heavy fog but the promise of sunshine from around 10 a.m. 

you can't tell particularly from my opening shot...

it was trying to burn off as the gates opened

but this was on my way to the bus stop (my train was cancelled this morning) 

quite foggy!!

looking back at the Palm House on my way to the orchids
we'd booked a time slot for the final weekend of this year's display

this part of the desert area was replanted last year, don't think I've taken a wide angle shot of it before, and now the planting is settling in it looks great

blogger is going to be a pain today with my photo order... 

whilst some of the orchids haven't lasted too well, there were lots that still looked good

I shall miss the brightly coloured birds 

this one being darker has never captured well against the light

close up of one of the butterflies bits of wings

I shall miss the spectacled bears too!

the titan arun seems to be growing differently to most of them... will see what happens (if it doesn't suddenly open in the week) 

some beautiful specimens on the final arch

as we left the Princess of Wales conservatory, the sun had burnt off the fog and it was bright outside.
we headed round to the alpine house

there were some beautiful flowers lit by the sun 

we wandered through the evolution garden but there's not a lot to see yet,

blossom (apple I think) on the wall of the vegetable garden showing signs of spring for sure

we headed back past the palm house

I was still quite well wrapped up at this stage!

the palm house bedding is quite colourful now 

during the week Kim had had a day off and snuck in an extra trip to Kew, she said she'd seen some tree blossom so we headed off to find it again
it was nice to see the blue sky after the early fog

palm house from the rose garden
we took the path along where the prunus trees are and sure enough, one of the small ones was in flower

great shadows on the tree trunk

cyprus trees as we walked by the end of the meditteranean garden 

me taking crocus under the cherry tree, we are looking forward to that coming out, soon hopefully!

we headed to the lake,

looking back at the carpets of crocus under trees 

we sat on "Peter's" bench for a few minutes
across the other side of the lake 

shadow of the tree behind the bench

it was now one of those days that needed coats and sunglasses and you couldn't see the photos you were taking on your screen...
but the lake on days like this is magnificent

selfie time!

we headed over the lake and up the other side towards the woodland walk

Cornelian Cherry is coming out. 

the reflections were staggering as we walked round.

the path though was incredibly muddy so we had to watch were we slipped....

not sure if you can see them but there are 2 Egyptian geese in this tree shouting to one another
woodland walk

lots of daffodils coming out now

I hadn't gone back to the macro yet 

but before we headed down to where the bird feeders were (they've been taken away to discourage visitors feeding the birds "to stop disease spreading between birds" the sign says)
and we were rewarded by Goldie running along the path towards us

 a couple further up by the benches had been taking pictures of him (her?)

Kim put some seed down and soon the tits were darting down... I have lots of empty bench arms and blurred half birds...

but one or two are ok

this one I like, wings in rapid movement

then a robin came along

we walked round through the hydrangeas 

davies alpine house and the daisies....

looking better than ever as the sun was bright through the windows

a quick walk through the Temperate House before heading for refreshments!
the big tubs now have teeny narcissus in 

light through leaves....

of various types!

we then went for tea and cake - it was mid-day and really lovely in the sun, I even took my coat off! 

outside again we headed towards the winter garden 

there are loads of hellebores in the winter garden
and the daphne smelled delightful
finally, a non-blurred edgworthia 

at the bottom of the path back near Camellia walk,  some bright witch hazel in the sun

we walked along Camellia Walk back to the exit and then home

After such a foggy, cold start, the sun was delightful and it felt like the first day of Spring that the calendar suggests.

thanks for looking - see you next week!

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