Saturday, October 5, 2024

October at Kew - autumn colour

 So today we had to wait until 10 to get in to Kew.. the sun came out as the gates opened though!

the beds at the Palm House are starting to be cleared for the end of the season

it wasn't really cold enough for such a big coat, and I shed it later.

We were pleasantly surprised to see some of the Marc Quinn sculptures still in place, though many had barriers up  ready for their removal.

there were some gorgeous reflections 
as you see - deconstruction in progress

as it was 10 they had already put the fountain on

close up of the back of the central sculpture from the side of the pond
bed at the top of the Broad Walk, robin singing away

we decided to vary our route this week as we could get into the glasshouses straight away...
blogger is reversing the order of these few

Princess of Wales first 

love the light through this succulent
at the entrance

this furry cactus has new flowers 
upper level.
the temperature and humidity was making the lens mist up



in the arid section

rock garden, blue skies! 

the acer at the junction leading into the veg/evolution gardens - colour turning well now

light and shapes
nerines in the alpine house

grass garden 

back at the acer

which is next to salvia border
along the edge of the veg garden
physalis in the evolution garden - they have a much smaller patch of these this year
there was one that had fallen to the soil so I picked it up for close ups
my favourite area

even as they fade,the echincea are gorgeous
rudbeckia fading in the background

the dahlias are still going strong

there are still a few helenium flowering

view across the evolution beds from the grass

tall seedheads

delicate little flowers 
the beautiful face sculpture in the bed
outside the POW - a partial ring of funghi

I knew behind this gorgeous tree was a big callicarpa shrub

first we played colour match to my hair...
although you may have to enlarge the photo to see my head!

me at the callicarpa

they are such a gorgeous colour 

then we cut back to the end of the Broad Walk 

before heading off to the left and toward the lake

past lots of autumnal trees!  

autumn crocus 
lots of sun through leaves

heading across towards the lake now

more fabulous reflections as we crossed the lake

no sign of the swans, and not many of anything actually 

next stop, davies exploration house

our favourite strawflowers were hard to get at today, a trolley was parked in front with only just room to get to the bed

but still lots of flowers!

then into  the Temperate House

in here, the bronze sculptures had been removed

the middle octagon sections were empty and huge, and echoey.  

outside, we headed across the grass tothe Pavilion cafe

the sculptures here were surrounded by barriers again ready for removal 

took this over the top as the sun was glinting off it nicely!

we stopped for a cup of tea - it was 12 now, and they'd stopped serving pastries, and were on to the lunch menu... so drink only

it was actually my second refreshment of the morning as I had arrived in Kew early enough to go up to the cafe for breakfast!  

I couldn't share this at the top of the blog as it would destroy my normal opening shot sequence!
we had to check out the porcelain berries whilst at the Pavilion

round the other side of the cafe is another pergola covered in climbers.

what a pretty leaf

we took the path from the cafe towards the Pagoda and the Japanese garden

this photo doesn't do it justice as the sun was fabulous poking round the side of the Pagoda
the Marc Quinn that we'd forgotten to "say goodbye" to last week, was still there and not yet been roped off

the leaves here are only just starting to turn colour but it was still worth checking them out

some more of these pretty flowers 

across the gravel - it's a shame the sculpture  will be removed by the time the leaves are redder to match.

as we headed back along the walk to the lake to the exit I spotted a huge swathe of mushrooms
they were enormous

finally as we walked back up the side of the lake I paused to take this tree trunk with these deep holes in it.

Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed today's sunny walk

see you next weekend!  

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