Saturday, September 7, 2024

Kew- Goldie again

 There was a proper feel of autumn in the air, as we waited at the gate.  only 4 more early entry Saturdays (including today).. they've gone fast, too fast. 

but there was some blue sky

(new hair colour!)   posting my opening shot to FB!  

some nice reflections on the pond 

entering September also means only this month to enjoy the Marc Quinn sculptures 

the planes on their way into Heathrow were low and loud today

round bed at top of Broad Walk 
looking over the bed down the Broad Walk

me taking the photo above! 

then down the Broad Walk.   remnants of overnight and yesterday's rain..

as we rounded the corner towaards the hive, we noticed a huge web on this bush, but it only shows 
not quite as silhouetted as this view often looks

big palms outside the POW

me taking them!

once again the student plots weren't open (and we forgot to go back later)
the sunflowers looked fabulous over the gate though

the vegetable garden was open though 

the flowers hanging up to dry are still.... drying 
I do like how they've grown the squashes this year 

the pumpkins are getting big
jalapeno peppers -didn't know they came in purple
can't remember the variety name


into the evolution garden now

raindroppy aster

sleeping bee 

more raindrops

blogger is doing my head in.... choosing it's own order


salvia border

rock garden... not quite so pretty as the bumble bee.... it's been quite a year for slugs!
autumn definitely coming.

the tree outside the POW  is beautiful

had to see how well my new hair colour matches!

it's copper, but a bit of the old red still shows through at present 

it was in my mind when I was at the hairdressers yesterday that I could play match the autumn colour!  

we headed back to the entrance for early refreshments 

there's a gap in the trees to look down to the Broad Walk

early refreshments because they're offering one free tea or coffee until 10 for members until the end of the month (well obviously members as no-one else is allowed in before 10)

we had to have cake too of course!!  

so we dried off a table and sat outside 

new table top membership promotions have appeared
we'd finished by 9.30 and headed off on our way
time for fun here 

just love the wibbly wobbly reflections 

and then on to the one outside the gallery, that disappears into the surroundings so well 

side view

we were heading to the lake... this gull turned his back on me but he's got nice markings!

holly berries.   
as we passed the davies exploration house on our way to the lake we saw the door was open (nearly 10 ) 

so we went in...

many of the strawflowers seem to have finished

heading round past the treetop walkway we noticed some huge funghi.  I had the wrong lens on so couldn't get close ups well

we crossed the lake....

no sign of the swans on the water

we headed up the path round the lake to the woodland walkway

and thought to check the children's play walk for funghi
I didn't notice at the time but I've got Kim in action here!

where soon Goldie came running out of the undergrowth

Kim had some seeds for the birds

he moves like lightening! 

the pigeons and magpies made a beeline for the seeds on the arm of the bench

such gorgeous colouring 

he ran off into the undergrowth the other side of the path

although was still skulking around and then came back

I failed to get any of the great tits today that were flitting about even faster!

and the squirrels were fast too,  

loads of parakeets came down to feed

and the rat was out too

managed to get a couple of close ups of goldie too 

which blogger has inserted out of order 

now to the Temperate House

then through the new bit of the Mediterranean garden

back round the pond 

the fountain is off again this week, it was too last time.  

and into the Princess of Wales 

I like the shapes on this, it is in a newly re-planted bit of the dry section 

there was one of the cacti that is behind glass, in flower
into the rainforest section 
there was a huge waterlily flowering

and some new leaves coming

there was also a big pink variety the other side of the slope to the upper level

from the side as you down to the underpass through to where the titan arums are 

passion flower
outside,  salvia
wild carrot
didn't think I'd got the webs in view on this

there was a hint of autumn in the alpine house too

teeny alliums
we headed to the exit via the far end of  salvia border

thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed. 

let's do it again next week!  


Celtic house said...

wow so many stunning photos, I love the reflection photos, they are absolutely stunning. You look like you had a great visit definitely feeling and looking more autumnal.

Celtic house said...

wow so many stunning photos, I love the reflection photos, they are absolutely stunning. You look like you had a great visit definitely feeling and looking more autumnal.