Saturday, September 14, 2024

Kew in the sun

 There was a proper chill autumn start to the day but it was gloriously sunny...  enjoy!

it was almost cold enough for a frost overnight

Kim started with the candid shots early 

I was having trouble with the low sun and the camera not wanting to take photos

Kim threw down some seeds and the geese came running -  it was a good shadow day!

as you can see, it was chilly enough for my fingerless gloves first thing and the fleece jacket had come out for the first time

must have taken this on the wonk, and I can't find a straighten option! 

that's Lynda another regular waving at us across the pond! 

then down the Broad Walk 
edges of the alchemilla mollis 
the low light was good.  photos don't really do it justics

these were looking stunning in the sun

then we went round to the Hive.  the wildflower meadow round the slope up to the Hive has been cut right back for winter

we carried on round the corner past the POW and alpine house

where we caught up with Lynda, and other regulars Patrick and Joyce

grass garden  still looking good
the student plots have mostly been cleared but a squirrel had found a grape and was eating it on top of the rose pergola running through the evolution garden 

we had a wander round the veg garden

the strawflowers are still hanging up to dry

this is called Bells of Ireland.  

sea holly in the evolution garden, going to seed, looking fabulous in the sun

my favourite beds with drifts of colour still looking pretty good

the almost frost had left water drops on lots of flowers! 

we headed back round the pond to meet Patrick and Joyce for our early free cup of tea

from this side of the pond the light allowed me to take some photos of the reflections without trouble

I went for red velvet cake today
Kim had a pecan pastry

I didn't get one with the others in

we chatted for a while before heading off our separate ways

past the end of the Mediterranean garden

to the lake,  

we had wondered if the cygnets were still around as we'd not seen them - or the adults - for a week or so

but today they were all there, cygnets testing out their wings, they'll be ready to go their separate ways soon

we crossed the lake and then headed towards the woodland for the bird feeder area

the reflections on the lake were fabulous today

and at the start of the  woodland walk 

this is the turning off the woodland walk towards the bird feeders.

as we got there, Peter was there putting out food for the birds and squirrels.  there was no sign of Goldie today though

and whilst there were plenty of parakeets and great tits I didn't get any decent photos.

we chatted for a while before heading off
past the Temperate House 

to the pavilion cafe (toilet stop)  

and where the colour on the vines outside where starting to change 

the funky berries are starting to ripen

it was warm enough to take my coat off, but that means carrying it... I usually manage to stuff it behind the straps on my rucksack but it makes it very bulky and uncomfortable!

pausing at the Marc Quinn nearest the door at this end of the Temperate House
for some reflections

then into the Temperate House

should have changed lens really to get a view right through
sun lighting up the aeoniums
and fuschia

some lovely light streaming through windows and through leaves
casting shadows 

we cut out one of the side doors to the davies exploration house and the strawflowers

they were looking suitably gorgeous in the sunlight

outside, a huge drift of colchicums in the sun along the path

I'm sure you can imagine what angle I was at to take these.....

can only do it when it is dry!

we took the path back past the Treetop Walkway

and crossed over the lake again
and got back to the Waterlily house where a huge leaf had been cut and laid out to dry/impress the visitors

wrong lens on to get it all in one shot

so this one from the phone - the sun was in my eyes so I couldn't tell if it was going to be any good or all in shadow

inside it was easy to see why one leaf had been taken out (although mostly because the leaf had died)

the pond was full of huge lilypads

and a few flowers 

lens had steamed up a bit, but I like the veil of the "curtain" growing across the pond

as I got round to the front again this opening lily was gorgeous

the acer outside the Princess of Wales conservatory

inside the POW

right at the very end, blogger decides to mess my order... 

back near the entrance and the arid area,  a cacti had a couple of flowers
think this is opening not closing
but it was facing the windows away from the room towards the light!

over the path where the white waterlily is were some passionflowers - Kim said I'd missed them last week as I had moved on and not looked up!!


we escaped the rainforest heat into the fern corridor to the exit

before a quick walk through the alpine house

and past the end of the veg garden, before making our way back to the exit 

so that is today's beautiful walk at Kew - it was quite warm by the time we left but a perfect autumn day.

hopefully the same again next week, the penultimate members early opening (sad face)
Thanks for looking.