Saturday, June 22, 2024



yesterday was lovely and sunny and warm...not so today

lots of the geese were in front of the Palm House, making a lot of mess as you can see!
I took more photos today than for a long time, i will try and edit the numbers I share to a normal/reasonable level....

blogger is reversing the order,  so early in the post!
we laughed at this bird in the flowers 

some of them were snoozing on the grass 

this is in the bed at the top of the Broad Walk,  gradually opening flowers

we headed down the Broad Walk as usual 
which was empty

there is a little spider or something on this

lots of colour along the Broad Walk

some of my favourites from summer along the Broad Walk are opening 

going to seed quickly this year 

we turned off to head towards Kew Palace so found a few different things 

allium under an India sweet chestnut tree, catching it's flowers...
beautiful blue eryngiums

out of order again... behind Kew Palace 
we had a brief shower here...

corsican pine

this tree has been struck twice by lightening and once by a light aircraft... since it was planted in the 1870s 
(Kew has some summer "trails" and this is on one about Kew's Remarkable Trees 

that's me underneath it..... we decided not to hang about!  

grass garden

bed of flowers in amongst the grasses,  remember these from last year 

the huge gum tree has flowers!  who knew 

the sun came out for a few minutes at the wildflower bed

the only trouble of taking photos down there is getting up again...

love the blue of the cornflower

there were loads of bees 

the sweet peas were smelling beautiful
big grey clouds kept scudding across.... 

Kim took me taking a selfie playing match the hair to the roses (the ones above)

then into the poppies in the evolution garden 

this one was on the path under the pergola.


the sun was turning the poppies yellow, amazing effect 

then it was time to try and catch the bees in action 

I failed - it was moving too quick

new things on the way

yikes... that's a big black cloud... set off well by the roses.  (we were lucky, it spat a few drops but not as much as it could)

sleeping bee

this one too 

more favourites starting to flower 

Kim getting in close 

more sleepy bees 
this is one of the yellow flowers just opening. 
and a little further

we kept an eye on the cloud!

back through the other side of the evolution garden

at the top near the gateway into the rock garden,

agapanthas are opening, hurrah

we also remembered a Kew FB/X post about the aloe in the rock garden flowering...

it was amazing 

outside the alpine house
across the rock garden

round the pond at the Palm House

trying to prove there was a little blue sky!
it was a sitting outside day just... another few spits of rain.

just before 10,  

carrot cake

me sending carrot cake to FB!

after breakfast , after 10, so the fountain is turned on

headed back to the Princess of Wales

we knew after last weekend we'd missed "stinky" the titan arum flowering, which happened mid week
this is what it looked like today

on phone for wider angle

damn, blogger is messing again 

patterns in the waterlily pads

upper level 

another stinky,  pelican flower

more cacti trying to flower 
by the pond in the POW 

out of order again cheers blogger 

then we headed back to the waterlily house
crossing the grass between the Broad Walk and waterlily house we found goose creche in the long grass!

loving the aeoniums outside the waterlily house
the into the Palm House, not done this for a while  so we walked round all sides of it
zingibar specatible  (beehive ginger) 
in flower 
decaying palm frond


something growing round a rusty support


hibiscus just been watered 
gorgeous light

out through the rose garden and the Marc Quinn

time to play with reflections...

this is Kim
this is me!

we had a lot of fun

before heading to the lake

the davies exploration house,


then outside for more play

this one nearly disappears it's great 

into the gallery
this is beautiful

but I adore this one
I just want to reach out and touch the paint!  

I'd forgotten about some of these pieces
the way the cases reflect to give the illusion of multiple vases

we got told off for getting too close! 

in the side corridor we found a couple of pieces we hadn't seen before 

great shadows!

some of the pieces demanded close ups

we ended at the sculpture by the Victoria gate 

just love the distortions

I think I've wheedled this down quite successfully from 552 photos.... hope you enjoyed, thanks for looking

see you  next week for the after birthday edition!  

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Oh that looks like a fun visit, Kew is definitely in full bloom at the moment, your photos seemed to be a rainbow of colours.

Love the sculptures as you know, loved the art inside the gallery space as well.

The carrot cake looks tasty and I definitely giggled at the bird in a plant.

Hope you have had a good week.
