9.20 and walking across the Thames on Kew Bridge, the tide was high and the sky blue..
the normal starting point, once I got let in!
(I can't wait for May and the start of the early members opening again)
Chilhuly piece in place, some tinkering going on...
it's called the Sun, apparently, but reminds me of someone on a bad hair day!
there are plenty of tulips out now
and in the bed at the top of the Broad Walk adjacent to the pond, more Chihuly. I like these!
we'll be back here later, too.
The fountain was on, and the sun was shining, so I headed round the pond first, to catch it - you all know how much I love the fountain when it's in full spray with the sun on it!
and it didn't disappoint, even though I had left the longest length lens at home (haven't been carrying it, the bag is too heavy, but may have to change that if the fountain is going to stay on)
I tried hard to take some photos without the workmen's van n shot, it will of course be much better in a couple of weeks when everything is finished!
standing looking down the Broad Walk through the glass.
however, we're not going that way yet,
as I had walked in, behind the Palm House I had seen towering trees covered in blossom,
so we're heading round the back of the Palm House through the Rose Garden
but as I rounded the corner, I could see more glass, outside the (still closed for winter) Waterlily house.
peeking through the door, more delights are instore - Chihuly glory!!
but we are looking for blossom...
and there was plenty of it!
they've planted a load of trees round the edge of the Rose Garden, (we saw them last week) which are in full flower!
and the roses are getting leafy too again
we're heading over there at the back!
(as I write this, I realise I didn't go inside the Palm House today!)
I stopped to photograph the tulips in the tubs at the top of the steps though!
but the blossom was calling to me....
I am always torn between macro close ups
and showing how full - and huge - the trees are
weeds in the grass - even the weeds are pretty (well, a weed is only a flower growing in the wrong place as my dad used to say)
everywhere you looked people were in amongst the blossom taking photos of children or partners..
I snuck one of this lady and her daughter, I've seen them before
although I am not sure you are meant to climb the trees, but what a view this girl must have got!
you can just see her head over the blossom
more work on Chihuly
I was thrilled to see the beautiful Snakeshead Fritillary flowering this week
I just wish you could get a bit closer, but (rightly) they are roped off to stop (children/photographers) trampling them!
view of the Palm House , love the forsythia (no closeups of them this week)
you know I can't resist a lichen covered tree
twisting and turning
the magnolias are still going
but apart from a slightly later white/cream variety I didn't get too carried away here...
but walked a different way towards the lake
well a little bit carried away, possibly!
new growth everywhere...
and a pretty duck (mandarin? ) sunning himself...
he was behind a bench but as I peeked over I disturbed him..
he settled again...
and this was another beauty
tree reflection in the water
shimmering in the sun...
I headed to the Treetop Walkway
and climbed the stairs
you get great views of the Temperate House
through the sweet chestnut trees
which are leafing up nicely!
back on the ground, groups of daffodils
and this huge weeping tree... I should know what they all are but I don't..
You can walk through this one, it has like a kind of tunnel through it where the branches have grown.. good view out!
and from the outside
look at the petals, almost translucent in the sunshine!
had to be careful here, the group of prunus outside the Temperate House as there was a couple sitting on the grass and the mum was feeding her baby. luckily I didn't want to photograph the grass!
the Temperate House makes a great backdrop.
heading inside more Chihuly work going in....
made my way through the central section and the silver daisy bush - it's been fantastic for so long, but the flowers are finally starting to fade - even now though they look fabulous!
a bit like a dandelion clock, you just want to blow!
out the other end the field of tulips under the flowering cherry trees are coming into bloom,
and the cherries are flowering too
I just love tulips
luckily there is a grass path between the two halves of the field/bed so you can get close to the trees
I headed across the grass to where I'd seen the bright yellow/green Chihuly last week - when it was dull..
stopped to lie down and snap some daffodils..
bright acid green leaves of an acer
I love how the light bounces off this one in the sun.
I shared some pics on facebook whilst I was there and people have said it reminds them of jelly, or jelly babies.
they look more like inflated bags to me, but I think it is stunning and absolutely love it
I do get the jelly thing though (cubes of raw jelly not yet dissolved. totally get it, and now I want some!)
this one is from the phone, zooming in
yes, jelly-like in this one!
another acer
heading down the path towards the Victoria Plaza cafe... huge camellias
mahonia (I think)
this one features on much of the publicity for the forthcoming event.
I love the light bouncing of the ends of the spikes.
it's an installation in progress, hence the mesh roping it off
after coffee and cake I headed back past the Palm House......
this week's cake is a new one on offer, upside down pineapple and coconut.... nice!
they seem to be failing to make their coffee very hot though, it was lukewarm before long. (it was free though, as I had filled my members loyalty card - buy 8 drinks, get your 9th free)
had to check this beauty out - still looking ok!
the "Sun" reflecting on the pond through the petals
promised you the fountain again...
a shaft of sunlight catching the water
on my way to the Princess of Wales glasshouse now.
inside the POW, a stunning perlagonium shining in the sun
closing in on these tiny flowers (I think they're flowers)
on the tip of this (taken to give an idea of scale)
the sloth is all that remains of the central display...
love that he is still there..
under the mangroves, I was thrilled to see a chinese water dragon.
haven't seen one here for months, although this is where I very first saw them.
Despite looking carefully everywhere else I've seen them before, there were no more around. No-one to ask about them either.
green/bronze fern
unfurling fern frond
as I came back at the ground level of the POW I saw the turtle had been moved from the pond, to the end of the mangroves..
water dragon still there, still with his back to us, obviously doesn't want to be face on today!
I went back up to the next level again
it was SO humid in there today, I decided not to stay too long
there was one of the big columns still covered in orchids and bromeliads from the Orchid festival
back down where the baby water dragons were, pre-orchids.. (probably are again, but hiding!)
not seen these before, presumably not come this way at the right time of flowering
heading out to the exit now
but had to stop for these again, they cry out macro shots to me!
the daffodils outside are still stunning, especially the double varieties
headed for the alpine house; the blinds were down in the sun, looking like sails
I caught it almost empty, and changed lenses quickly to get a shot of the whole thing, which I have never done before...
I tried hard to get it without people in, but it was a busy time of day
back to the macro lens...
outside, the bullrushes are all fluffy
from the outside
walked through the rock garden, where I was able to get a close up of the snakeshead fritillary
I couldn't tell whilst I was there if these were any good as the sun was so bright on the screen.
they're so pretty though.
the red barked birch... love the papery peeling bark!
walking through the trees between the Broad Walk and the Princess of Wales glasshouse,
more people being photographed under the blossoms.
headed to the top of the Broad Walk, the glass now shining in the sun
wide angle time
globe time!
they're like flames licking up the urn!
time to head down the Broad Walk at last
round to the Hive, the pathway was open today (it's been closed for a couple of weeks for work/maintenance in the Hive)
the wildflower meadow is growing up - although only daisies at present -
they are much larger than the ones in my lawn though
magnolias in front of the POW through the structure of the Hive
up through the hole at the top
more of the daisies
daffodils in the Broad Walk, there are huge drifts of them
the glory in the snow still stunning
thought I had photographed the label of this, but no.
it's beautiful though.
Kew Palace
people all over picnicking.
at the end of the Broad Walk lying down to get close
see, hundreds of them!
walked back up a little way for the white ones
before doubling back.
Kew Palace with another huge flowering tree!
another round bed, this one at the turn towards the exit I used, and the start of the Broad Walk
just love the ice cream colours in this one.
(nearly stopped for one, but there was a long queue)
this round bed has a filled urn as it's centre piece
was heading for the exit, but I caught sight of some more tulips
this was a fabulous tree
just love this colour
more magnolias on the final path
this was going to be it, but there was a bed of pale pink tulips shimmering just behind this, so
more ice cream colours!
turning round again, the magnolia by the exit
heading back to the station, the tide has gone out - dramatic difference since I arrived 5 hours earlier
cloud reflections in the river..
you know I can't resist a reflection, or a cloud!
thanks for joining me again.