I took a LOT of photos so sit back and enjoy!
I headed straight for the Princess of Wales glasshouse and the orchids - mainly to beat the crowds, but also to warm up!
Stopped to take a photo of the Orangery restaurant in the sun...
the sun was beaming through the windows of the POW so the colours were bright today
one of several large clumps of orchids in a tub in the pond
close up of the "palace" - was shooting with the long zoom to start with, to get nice and close
Love the sun shining through the windows onto the fronds
Luckily managing to keep people out of shot for the most part
the sun was shining through the orchids turning them semi translucent
loved this pattern
on this trunk
down into the next zone (wet tropics I think)
it had definitely been watered, caught this drip on the stem of the flower
as you know, I love water drops on plants!
these were on a branch across the path up above my head
didn't notice this drip till I uploaded it though
gorgeous pattern on these leaves
it was getting crowded in the POW now (though nothing compared to later) so I headed outside, re-zipping my coat and putting up my hood against the very cold wind!
the crocus in the woodland area were glowing in the winter sun...
and the little daffodils were too
hope they won't be too badly damaged by the forecast bad weather next week!
walked down towards the students' order beds
but turned and came back again towards the mound of snowdrops and daffodils
there were crocus everywhere
and you know I can't resist "my" fountain, especially when the sun is shining!
geese on the little island where the big tree in the photo above, is... I think they must be nesting, or preparing to.
glimpsing through the dogwood...
think this must be left from a bullrush, although I don't remember any amongst the dogwood....
beautiful tree against the beautiful sky!
the primulas in the beds at the Palm House
the pond is partly frozen - don't think it's deep ice though, at least not till next week!
you can see the edge of the ice
there was a crow digging about under a tree
after coffee and a cake (mini banana loaf this week) I headed across the grass to Life in Death...
love this bench, covered in mossy growth... I wasn't the only person photographing it, either.
have to make the most of this, as it is only on for another couple of weeks....
there weren't too many people in there today
really like the doorway framing these reddish ones...
went across the grass to see how the work is coming on... was reading in the Kew magazine (it comes with my membership) that I got yesterday, that the workmen are still working inside, whilst the plants are going back in...
they've got till 5 May to get it all done...
trees are coming into bud...
walking up Cedar Vista, the small pond is mostly frozen..
whilst the big lake is only frozen at the edge at the far end.
great reflections again
Cornelian Cherry according to the label... lovely zingy yellow blossom
was attracted to the red and green on these branches
there were a group of swans and ducks under the bridge being fed...
the dogwood on the little island were stunning
there was a heron on the bank,
but it quickly flew off
more drifts of crocus
walked towards the Palm House so I could go down the Broad Walk to see what was growing..
once again, the gulls were lined up on the pond edge
hellebore in the sunshine
and the sun was glowing on the euphorbia too
the POW through the trees
decided to take a quick look at the Hive - I am delighted that it is staying at Kew, it was due to only stay for this year, so I can continue to enjoy it
the bees were obviously busy, judging by the sounds in the Hive, the sun must have brought them out
I popped back to the POW and the orchids - a twitter friend Claire, had mentioned she was going today, and despite it being a real long shot, I wondered if I might see her...
much to my surprise, as I came through the door, who should I see, but Claire!!
but when I went in after a quick chat, it was packed, so I decided it was time to head home
Thanks for looking again.
It was a fabulous 3 hours in the sunshine, despite being very cold, the sun was actually quite warm (for February) and it was delightful to see so many signs of Spring....
we are due a very cold snap next week, so we'll see if it happens, if it stops me getting to Kew next week (will only depend on the trains, the actual cold/possible snow won't - I long to see Kew in snow) so watch this space!