starting point as ever, the dahlias have really bushed out in the 2 weeks since my last visit
8am reflections in the pond
the planes flying into Heathrow were constant and noisy and made great plane trails!
the Broad Walk, deserted so far... took a walk along the length to see what was changing
light was shining through plants
dew was glistening on petals....
love how the dew nestles in perfect droplets around the edges of the alchemila mollis and in the dips too
bees were busy
blooms shining translucently
got to love the umbellifera
vibrant colour combinations...
the bees loved them
more water droplets
off to the Hive... love the shadows of the wildflowers on the rusty panels
the sun behind the Hive and two girls lying on the glass...
down to the lower level, I looked up to see the two girls still lying on the glass layer - you can see through to the "hole" in the top of the hive
beautiful blue sky, more plane trails..
seed heads
vegetables and flowers in combination..
overhanging borders
in the alpine house..
fluffy grasses
so many tiny flowers on the artemsia
wide angle of the grass garden
more fluff!
walking through the rock garden towards breakfast!
reflections and shadows on the way
lots of misting going on, today is forecast to be hot
green shade
more plane trails, the skies over Kew are so busy into Heathrow, today was noisier than every, bank holiday travel I guess..
up the Treetop Walkway (climbed the stairs up and down this time, no cheating and taking the lift) - views through the long zoom
an Wembley arch (this is the national football stadium for the non Brits) in between the tower blocks
a "Julia" shadow walking down the stairs (put the bag down to avoid the bulges!)
you know I love the rusty structure of the Walkway
the rose garden, still with lots of colour...
huge hibiscus in the Palm House
the heat was intense in here, they mist regularly and had obviously just done so
out into the fresh air again,
couple more of the Palm House at ground level
into the Waterlily House, there was another of these strange things again. But someone to ask this time, it is a Bitter Melon or also called Melon Gourd (he gave me the Latin name which really didn't help and nor can I remember it!) so now we now!
outside the Waterlily house
my favourite fountain, of course, in the sun
the rill outside the Princess of Wales glasshouse...
hope you've enjoyed your early morning walk again, there'll only be a few more of these before this special early opening finishes for the year - just till the end of September, so we must make the most of it!