Saturday, July 1, 2017

1st July... part one... (Kew, of course)

You get a two-fer today...  I was always going to Kew again today (won't be going for two weeks, next Saturday I am going to the Hampton Court Flower Show and the Saturday after that I'm going to Wimbledon)    the next post will be something a little different - I am splitting the day into two, as there are way too many pictures for one post.

Arrived at as usual, quite dull still, but not cold  -   settle back and enjoy
 my starting photo, the bedding is fully in flower now
 huge numbers of geese still sleeping on the path
headed for the Broad Walk.. all to myself so far...
 concentrating on close ups first of all...witha  variety of lenses on
beautiful scabious  again..

not sure what these are, but I love them!

very early, obviously, but the bees were busy everywhere
lovely drifts of purple and yellow
 and purple and pinky white

 the bees loved this, but were too quick for my lens!

walk past this every time I visit, went to look at the sign behind it - it's a replica of the Medici vase that is in the Uffizi gallery in Florence.
 the wildflower meadow round the Hive is stunning right now, the big ox-eye daisies are finished, but there is loads of new colour coming through..

 got to love a cornflower

heading round to the Family beds now -
I think I prefer this flower from the back..
although it's face is quite pretty too!

 stunning hemerocallis (day lily) - more of them later!
 there are still some beautiful roses on the pergola
 looking across the grass garden to the Alpine house
 Love borage - not just because it's fab in Pimms!
 so do the bees..

the bed was crammed full of flowers!

 I spent ages trying to get an arty shot of these against the wall!
 gorgeous seed heads
 bright clashing colours, love them!

 I love this bench, especially with the ultra wide angle emphasising the curve
pretty penstemon.

 closing in on the day lily centre

 the petals reminded me of a ballerina's skirt

 right in the centre of that gorgeous pink poppy from last week

 bullrushes outside the POW house

 the bedding in front of the Palm House (have walked in a big circle!)
 the peacock outside the Victoria Gate cafe
 beautiful roses in the Rose Garden

 was waiting for 10 am when the POW opened it's doors (they don't open the glasshouses until normal opening hours) - to see the giant Titan Arum that flowered this week.
Nicknamed the Big Stink (the flower smells like rotting meat)
the flower spike then collapses..

 cocoa pods

heading for the exit now, only 10.30 but I had somewhere else I was heading as well today...


sam21ski said...

Nice xx

Miriam said...

Stunning - beautiful flowers and pics. I had yellow roses as my wedding flowers so it is always a pleasure to see them! Not to sure I want to smell the big stink though! lol! Amazing pics!

Jo Capper-Sandon said...

Oh my goodness. What an amazing post Helen. That pink poppy!! And the peacock!! You just get totally wrapped up in all of that beauty...loved that post! Thank you so much for sharing your day.
And I cant believe you are off to Wimbledon...I presume you mean the tennis and not just the common. I've always dreamt of going there. One day . Please take pics wont you...(I know you will, but just checking lol) xx

craftimamma said...

Such fabulous photos Helen! I really do love the wildflower garden best of all though. It's so simple and natural! Those beautiful blousy roses are stunning too and lots lots more. Thanks for the trip!

Lesley Xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love your opening shot. I've come to appreciate the difference each week, and that makes it even more special. You could create a calendar with these photos, because you know exactly where to stand each time.

You can have the geese. I have loads and loads of my own in my neighborhood.

That Medici vase may be a replica, but it's a beauty. Even the pedestal it sits on is fabulous.

The alpine house from that view was incredible. Reminded me of a roller coaster raising up in the distance. It's a unique and fun shot. Of course, the Alpine House from the meadow is gorgeous, too. You know me. I love that Alpine House!

The peacock has been putting on a show lately, and those day lilies are stunning. Mine never look that good.

You waited around to see "rotting meat?" And I thought I was crazy! You got a couple of good shots of it, though.

I'm now off to see your trip to the V&A Museum.

Etsuko said...

Wonderful photos always Helen, Thank you so much. xx

Kirsten said...

Gorgeous photos, the wildflower area looks stunning.

Claire said...

Morning Helen, wonderful photos as always - I love the peacock shot, they are just so stunning. That rotten meat flower does look peculiar.....anyway I'm glad you had fun, I'm popping off to your second post now Xx

Anonymous said...

Wow Helen what an array of beautiful shots. Really love some of your close ups and some of your arty shot are brilliant.a fabulous post xxx

PaperArtsy said...

Wow a stunning set of pics! Did you make the peacock grumpy to get that shot?? Lol. I'm not sure about the big stink. Think I would gag!!

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Helen, awesome photo collection. Going to Kew is on our to-do list. As is Hampton Court Flower show. Speaking of which, my eldest, Ant, is one of the OB editors for that- he ends up doing it most years.
Hugs, Shaz XxX

Neet said...

I know I mentioned a calendar the other week but this week I was inspired and wondered if you should take some of your prints and frame them and see if you could sell them (to make way for more rubber of course). I am sure you could sell those photos, you do the best photos ever!
Hugs, Neet xx