As always, I took load of photos... (350) so sit back and enjoy some of them.
As I arrived, it started raining, so I had a coffee and sausage roll for breakfast inside before braving the rain (don't have hands free for an umbrella and I knew it was only meant to rain for a little while so didn't take a coat, just a hooded sweatshirt jacket thing..)
it was raining quite hard in this one,
and a quick trip to the Hive you can see how much rain there is on the glass floor
rain on the clover in the wild flower meadow..
I am concentrating on close ups today, and flower centres (like my cousin loves to do too)
tightly curled buds
one rain drop on the edge of this petal
and of course the poppies - rain stopped, sun out now and stayed out
stunning iridescent blue/purple on this one
no raindrops on these next few, we're inside the Princess of Wales glasshouse for a bit
back outside
the Broad Walk (where lots of today's were taken) a new flush of colour in lots of areas, loving the blue and purple mix
bees love these, but don't stay still for me to catch them mostly, I took loads of pictures of these, but the bees kept flying out of shot before the camera could focus.
this is so tall, taller than me, with the Orangery restaurant in the background
to give you a bit of perspective of where the Broad Walk features in the garden, with the Hive in the background
now we're back to the display outside the Palm House
sky still looks a bit moody, but no more rain..
loving the fading flowers too,
and seed pods
not noticed these brass pine cones on the top of the supports down the Broad Walk
I love this stuff!!
the Pine tree is laden with cones, loads of branches dangling down to the ground
the grasses in the Grass Garden were glistening in the sunshine now
great pattern on this sawn off tree trunk
and a final shot of the Broad Walk borders, left the people in the shot so you can see the height.
Had a wonderful morning, hope you enjoyed the pictures today.