Last Saturday I went to Kew for the first time in a month. It was a crisp but bright autumn morning, just how I like them!
I had a film in the camera left from September and the first few pics are from then - the waterlilies from the Waterlily House were spectacular then, but finished by this weekend.
Taken hand held on the macro setting with my zoom extended to 300mm (quite tricky to hold it steady!) across to the middle of the pond! (I don't carry my tripod with me on the train!)
Love the pattern of the growth between the lily pads!
On to Saturday.
I love the use of this metal that was allowed to rust in the use of the tower for the Treetop Walkway! I still wish they could fix the lift up though!!
I confess I did have to stage this shot - the conker was lying on a patch of bare earth just out of the sun - till I gently nudged it with my toe!!
Still slightly misty, dew on the grass but the light was quite bright.
View through the trees to the Temperate House.
I always thought these were Autumn Crocus - but this time I read the sign, they are actually Giant Meadow Saffron! They were glorious in the sun - but a bit flattened from the previous day's heavy rain - but this is taken from right above, with the macro setting again.
There was so much fungi around - I have never seen it at Kew (probably just a timing thing) - but it had obviously flourished in the previous many wet days!! And so many different kinds.
This was weird growing round the root of the tree.
Oh, look - twins! how sweet.
This one nearly spread in a big ring - a fairy ring?? Never seen one before!

Think this is my favourite - it was close to the edge of a path so I knelt right down to take it as close to ground level as I could (I did think about lying down....)

The trees are just beginning to turn - I think the rain after some warm days helps! (Who needs Tim's cruise to Boston, eh!)

Love the shadows of the treees right across the grass, towards the Palm House (back)

How blue does the sky look! It wasn't this blue really, it's just I was taking towards the sun right up into the sky - this is the top of the entrance to theTemperate House

Close up of the bark of a palm trunk in the Temperate House. Loved the pattern in the sunshine.
Love the reds and purples here, this was outside the side entrance of the Waterlily House.
(sorry about the "blogger gaps" between the photos - they don't show up till the post goes live....they look perfectly spaced as I type.... good old blogger)