As always I started at my usual spot.
There was sun, (and some broody clouds) as you can see by the shadows
I had a time slot for the orchids which had been extended to this weekend
the round bed at the top of the Broad Walk has coloured up, loving the purple/yellow combination
I didn't stop for a close look at this time though
my cousin will recognise this cactus as she got barbs from the stem stuck in her fingers.. I was struck how the "branches" were developing
I hadn't stopped to look at it in previous weeks
the dyed blue orchids still looking good
I was having trouble with the lens misting up but was too impatient to wait for it to clear naturally so kept wiping it with my scarf
the jade vine flowers were dropping
but there are plenty still hanging. they are fabulous aren't they!
through the leaves and mangroves
there is a chinese water dragon sitting on the rock in the water
the arches were still looking good, although past their best now, 5 weeks on
the tunnel of carnivorous plants and orchids
lots of the orchids were still in very good condition - these ones planted in the cool orchid room
white rhododendron
going to miss him!
close up of the rhino "skin"
couldn't not have a final view of the orangutans
I walked round again
farewell to the volcano
managed a glimpse of the water dragon from the side
and below
caught him on the phone too.
some of the orchid pillars are still looking fabulous
the "feathers" of the bird at the door of the central area
(I was walking round in circles as you can see)
the huge tree by the alpine house
in the alpine house
it was nearly all yellow and blue in there today
stroll through the rock garden
so much blossom coming. it makes me really sad to think I am going to miss so much - but hopefully will enjoy it next year!
rain drops on an iris - had to maneuvre a leaf out of the way it was spoiling the shot
the giant gunnera have been unwrapped from their winter blankets and are growing fast
flowering cherry looking gorgeous
I walked through the cafe (having stopped to wash my hands first yes, in case I was going to eat) but didn't fancy anything on offer and couldn't be bothered to queue for a drink.
dark hellebore outside the cafe
I retraced my steps to the Palm House
the crown imperial fritillary are growing up in the beds now..
hadn't realised they were there
planted urn (no, not along the pond Elizabeth, they're still empty)
tulips are coming out... going to miss them too
huge tree at the end of the rose garden
quick walk through the Palm House.
no robins today, no water dragon
urn at the top of the steps at the back of the Palm House, tulips are more open here
walked round the path at the perimeter of the rose garden past blossom
lichen covered branches
chinese currant
off to the magnolias
there was somebody sitting on the ground painting or sketching (didn't go too close, I hope she was on a ground sheet it was still very muddy)
headed over to the lake now.
the chinese goose with a 3rd baby (must have been hiding last week)
I couldn't get closer, they ran off!
into the Temperate Hosue
the amaryllis still looking pretty
silver daisy bush
ferns unfurling
from the platform
I love how this plant has (presumably) buds and flowers at the same time
more ferns unfurling
outside again, the tulips under the cherry trees are growing; quite a difference to last week already
walking back along the path towards the exit
a board promoting some of the upcoming events... hopefully I'll get to see this before it ends!!
back at the Palm House beds again
closer look (eventually!) at the purple/yellow bed at the top of the Broad Walk
I had to take a quick walk down the Broad Walk before doubling back to go home (use a different exit when travelling by bus)
more blossom just off to the right of the Broad Walk

there didn't appear to be a huge amount happening different this week on the Broad Walk, so I turned and headed for home
a heavy shower concentrated my mind and I left.
It was a very strange visit today, it felt like I'd never be able to come back again, although I know that isn't the case and I just hope it isn't too long before I can return, but for safety's sake I think today must be my last visit for a while.
It took me some time to pinpoint why I felt so odd, as I don't often feel sad about things (fortunately) so it didn't occur to me that that was what the feeling was!
Thanks for looking and see you soon!!